Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 651216784959209482

2019-12-03 00:20:20 UTC  

Fuck the hard working people who actually can act

2019-12-03 00:20:29 UTC  

The *writing* of the characters is a more apt criticism of their flaws, or lack thereof for Star Wars.

2019-12-03 00:20:30 UTC  

Fuck the writes who put effort into the dialogue

2019-12-03 00:20:40 UTC  

My only contension was that acting is **the most important**

2019-12-03 00:20:41 UTC  

None of that matters so long as the idea of a good story is there

2019-12-03 00:20:51 UTC  

I have never liked dr who XD so rip me.

2019-12-03 00:20:52 UTC  

but then I didn't catch your caveat about writing

2019-12-03 00:20:52 UTC  

@Jokerfaic in principle

2019-12-03 00:21:08 UTC  

There is a point where one can only watch in awe as a hole is dug.

2019-12-03 00:21:11 UTC  

arguably writing is more important

2019-12-03 00:21:28 UTC  

now I'm trying to recall amazing acting in atrocious movie plots

2019-12-03 00:21:35 UTC  

Sounds like you want more *Subverted Expectations* <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-12-03 00:21:50 UTC  

You're retarded if you don't understand what I'm saying @Mersenne

2019-12-03 00:22:06 UTC  

@Jokerfaic Westworld

2019-12-03 00:22:17 UTC  

I know it's a show

2019-12-03 00:22:18 UTC  


2019-12-03 00:22:19 UTC  

Not really. First you claimed acting was the most important quality, then shifted to writing.

2019-12-03 00:22:19 UTC  

really? never got into that

2019-12-03 00:22:30 UTC  

shame, looked good

2019-12-03 00:22:47 UTC  

For all we know you’ll argue *theme* is most important ffs

2019-12-03 00:23:00 UTC  

but if we're expanding it to TV shows I'm going to include walking dead and supernatural

2019-12-03 00:23:07 UTC  

@Mersenne I said IN PRINCIPLE acting is the most important, but writing is ARGUABLY more important, read the fucking WORDS I chose them for a reason! I was being SPECIFIC

2019-12-03 00:23:22 UTC  

fantastic cast

2019-12-03 00:23:33 UTC  

boring as fuck

2019-12-03 00:23:50 UTC  

Christ, Deliver a compelling argument. Support your point with some kind of justification instead of throwing a tantrum.

2019-12-03 00:24:00 UTC  

They do inform each other, yes.. but the actors are only able to perform what is written and/or permitted by the director. Personally, it's the interplay that I'm interested in & the world that's built there.

That's a matter of differing tastes, however.

2019-12-03 00:24:23 UTC  

“Specific”, sure. Your points clear as mud.

2019-12-03 00:24:25 UTC  

And the "MOST" important is a contextual qualification since alot of different aspects of film making are very important, so it's sort of arbitrary to pick one as the "most" important

2019-12-03 00:24:34 UTC  

I'm just making a point of principle

2019-12-03 00:24:55 UTC  

While accepting the importance of writing as being atleast a close second and MAYBE more important than acting

2019-12-03 00:25:04 UTC  

Does that clear it up for you fucking niggroids?

2019-12-03 00:25:42 UTC  

Hence the lack of context in your autistic screeching responses. Perhaps cite some examples and ground your vague bullshit in evidence and we’ll entertain your tantrums.

2019-12-03 00:26:02 UTC  

@Mersenne You're the one who started attacking me when I didn't even have a proper position

2019-12-03 00:26:06 UTC  

So, for me, the themes are a big deal. If you want to focus on the acting quality- it's your prerogative, but I disagree on the initial pretense.

That said, backing up to speak of writing is fair. E'en then it seems a bit skin deep to me, yet still it is your prerogative to focus on it.

2019-12-03 00:26:08 UTC  

Instead of asking for clarification

2019-12-03 00:26:10 UTC  


2019-12-03 00:26:40 UTC  

Precisely. I’m attacking you for failing to take a position. Driver a point on film instead of winging like a newborn babe.

2019-12-03 00:27:05 UTC  

Here comes the caps lock

2019-12-03 00:27:11 UTC  

Preemtive attacks are retarded since you're basically hitting smoke

2019-12-03 00:27:22 UTC  

what you should do is ask for clarification

2019-12-03 00:27:35 UTC  

Then you start attacking when there is actually something too attack