Message from @Crow

Discord ID: 650687982688272395

2019-12-01 13:20:45 UTC  


2019-12-01 13:20:52 UTC  

That's a bit vindictive

2019-12-01 13:20:58 UTC  

Prick in life, prick in death

2019-12-01 13:21:00 UTC  

Isn't death enough?

2019-12-01 13:21:03 UTC  


2019-12-01 13:21:04 UTC  


2019-12-01 13:21:05 UTC  

Very vindictive

2019-12-01 13:21:09 UTC  

its ok

2019-12-01 13:21:12 UTC  

I should do some chores, mmm

2019-12-01 13:21:17 UTC  

Most actors do normal shit too.
Most live in normal houses and lead relatively normal lives.
Sure there’s a specific bunch of LA celebrities that choose to segregate themselves and only associate with other A-listers.... but that’s a tiny amount of people.

2019-12-01 13:21:18 UTC  

do the dishes first

2019-12-01 13:21:27 UTC  

naww, laundry

2019-12-01 13:21:28 UTC  

the dishes are always the worst

2019-12-01 13:21:29 UTC  

Just piss on his grave to show dominance.

2019-12-01 13:21:32 UTC  

how about this

2019-12-01 13:21:35 UTC  

put the laundry in the washer

2019-12-01 13:21:38 UTC  

T pose on the grave

2019-12-01 13:21:40 UTC  

do dishes until its time to switch it over

2019-12-01 13:21:43 UTC  

And write "noob" on the tombstone

2019-12-01 13:21:44 UTC  

that's usually how I do it

2019-12-01 13:21:44 UTC  

2 birds

2019-12-01 13:21:45 UTC  

one stone

2019-12-01 13:21:49 UTC  


2019-12-01 13:21:53 UTC  

theres a feeling though

2019-12-01 13:21:57 UTC  

when all the dishes are done

2019-12-01 13:22:01 UTC  

Dab on grave

2019-12-01 13:22:08 UTC  

every time you walk into the kitchen after that

2019-12-01 13:22:13 UTC  

its like a little weight gets lifted

2019-12-01 13:22:18 UTC  

If you dab on a grave you'll raise it as a zombie

2019-12-01 13:22:27 UTC  

The dab is a curse

2019-12-01 13:22:40 UTC  

Will need naruto run out of there

2019-12-01 13:22:43 UTC  

Heh, I read "put dishes in the washer" as in the laundry washer.

2019-12-01 13:22:48 UTC  

its one of those ones you never really appreciate until you do it

2019-12-01 13:22:50 UTC  

sorry lol

2019-12-01 13:22:50 UTC  

that's the thing about chores- you know they need to get done and kinda weigh you down mentally until they're done

2019-12-01 13:22:51 UTC  

i meant that

2019-12-01 13:22:54 UTC  

Rig explosives to the grave so if anybody did like him will explode.

2019-12-01 13:22:59 UTC  

you should put the laundry in the washer

2019-12-01 13:23:07 UTC  

And then put the laundry in the dishwasher.

2019-12-01 13:23:08 UTC  

and do the dishes until its time to switch the laundry