Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 651617855552356363

2019-12-04 02:50:33 UTC  

Progressivism? <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-12-04 02:50:33 UTC  

it is NOT a net positive by any means

2019-12-04 02:50:55 UTC  

progressivism came about the exact same time as the internet

2019-12-04 02:51:00 UTC  


2019-12-04 02:51:28 UTC  

Holy shit, progressivism has slowly leaned left over the past 3 decades. But once again, I'll agree that the internet *accelerated* that rate, much to their demise

2019-12-04 02:51:29 UTC  

true, despite it's earlier roots it had no teeth nor significant following

2019-12-04 02:51:39 UTC  

^^^ READ

2019-12-04 02:52:44 UTC  

and this is the core of my point; ideas like communism and progressivism and pedophila were ALWAYS present. however, they were NOT allowed to fester and spread in forum of open debate

2019-12-04 02:53:03 UTC  


2019-12-04 02:53:03 UTC  

I'll meet you halfway. The internet bolsters a nasty net negative on escalating the insanity, isolationism, and progressive politics that currently saturate the media. But I still recognize the net positive in communication, economics, and quality of life reaped as a reward

2019-12-04 02:53:10 UTC  

what if the world really did end in 2012 and we're dealing with the aftermath

2019-12-04 02:53:13 UTC  

anyone with a bad idea couldn't go very long without that idea being flushed out or else they became fringe

2019-12-04 02:53:15 UTC  

not today

2019-12-04 02:53:52 UTC  

today, if you don't like what i have to say, you can ALWAYS find some group on reddit that beleives in the same hair-brained ideas

2019-12-04 02:54:22 UTC  

it's kind of a double edged sword tho bc the internet was the only way I found ppl like sargon

2019-12-04 02:54:41 UTC  

True, you no longer need to make the pilgrimage to Georgetown to drink the Kool-Aid <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-12-04 02:54:41 UTC  

people grow up thinking they always have the option to simply ignore conflict not realizing that ignoring conflict is the best way to INVITE conflict

2019-12-04 02:55:09 UTC  

And that's a sentiment I can passionately agree with

2019-12-04 02:55:47 UTC  

and instead of immediately explaining why certain ideas were BAD ideas, we ignored them, went to our seperate corners of the internet and let them fester and grow

2019-12-04 02:56:28 UTC  

in the past, you either learned to accomidate the wishes of a group in your vicinity, OR you stayed at home ALONE

2019-12-04 02:56:43 UTC  

that social pressure helped regulate society, ESPECIALLY the left

2019-12-04 02:56:49 UTC  

That's the consequence of echo chambers. It's always refreshing to cycle through media outlets. The days of Walter Cronkite are long since past

2019-12-04 02:57:08 UTC  

true, but we are ALL in an echo chamber

2019-12-04 02:57:10 UTC  

all of us

2019-12-04 02:57:23 UTC  

because we are never FORCED to reconcile disagreeements

2019-12-04 02:57:32 UTC  

I'd rather have instant access to information that be subjected to selective information

2019-12-04 02:57:37 UTC  

birds of a feather flock together

2019-12-04 02:57:54 UTC  

Malcolm Gladwell - Blink

2019-12-04 02:58:16 UTC  

Unfortunately. Just talk to anyone who only watches MSNBC or FOX and nothing else, it's insufferable.

2019-12-04 02:58:37 UTC  

In the book, he makes a solid case for why there is NO difference between 1) having not enough information and 2) having TOO much information with no way to filter for relevance

2019-12-04 02:58:56 UTC  

it is a common misconception that more information is always better

2019-12-04 02:59:31 UTC  

It rarely is because at a certain point, we start seeing patterns that don't really exist

2019-12-04 02:59:34 UTC  

Exactly. Which is why no one dare watch a 10 hour impeachment session every day. It's easier to reference trusted and reliable sources.

2019-12-04 02:59:42 UTC  

and, we can justify ANYTHING

2019-12-04 03:00:04 UTC  

evidence takes time and energy. more information just makes it easier to cast doubt on ANYTHING

2019-12-04 03:00:10 UTC  

even the fact that the earth is round

2019-12-04 03:00:57 UTC  

fact is that there is a paradox intrinsic to becoming more and more specialized

2019-12-04 03:01:55 UTC  

But it's still fact. Objective truth exists. When drowning in an ocean of opinion, sound judgement appears as a distant shore. But reason is a life raft. Even with all the information in the world, you can still easily make sound determinations and ignore the bullshit.

2019-12-04 03:02:00 UTC  

the more specialized we become, the more DEPENDANT we become on others who know more about things we do not. However, the less we have to learn to operate in a vacum, the less we are able to determine who we should TRUST and who we should not trust

2019-12-04 03:02:37 UTC  

the internet is creating a MASSIVE divide between the blue collar and white collar style of workers

2019-12-04 03:03:14 UTC  

No. The more specialized we become, whether in politics or tradecraft, the less dependent you become on placing wavering trust in questionable sources. You lean to discern truth from nonsense.