Message from @Suit Dog
Discord ID: 642083757666336778
multiple times
@Autopilot😘💖 has joined Deus vult Pepe. Make sure to give them a warm welcome!
But you know what a rangeban is right? they ban your whole ISP or country
so they can't keep it up forever
potentially banning thousands of people for a long time is stupid
thats hilarious
so u got your country banned multiple times
@Autopilot😘💖 welcome
lmao jonah
but rangebans are board specific
ty <:Feelsgoodman:638503722930012182>
so if you get rangebanned from /b/ you can still ban evade on /pol/
thats great
so you can just be this relentless cancer they cant get rid of
But Daze said there's a group who coded a bunch of bots and collected alot of proxies that work on 4chan
so they can INSTANTLY get rid of everything on the catalog by creating like 100 threads at the same time
that happened once on r9k
i mean it'd still be in the archive
interesting though
i guess its cool to be able to shoah the whole board
sadc0de one time spammed r9kys with ads
Of his server
@jonahgoldberg Yeah, there was something like that on /qa/ too
But the mods eventually rangeb& a bunch of their bots' proxies
Ever since then /qa/ has been more frogs and wojaks
How did he come from high up
Im looking for servers to partner with that are like minded. Would consider NSFW servers but not degenerate ones.
Also we are looking for artists
Im just gonna repost this notice in main for a while so people see it
done @Suit Dog <#642513001777332225>
I'll do an announcement for you
in my discord
we have 400 members
Thanks thats awesome. You can be a permanent partner too
it's going good
I'll post my ad myself
I have a new one
Its so terrible that the coomer is the theme that ultimately won