Message from @HonklerTheClown
Discord ID: 650997446213894154
@ReDouchy has joined Deus Pepe. Make sure to give them a warm welcome!
@ReDouchy has joined Deus Pepe. Make sure to give them a warm welcome!
All frens secured ?
I need assistence bro
How fren
@Marius Csampar FREN ARE YOU SECURED ???
Yeetus yeetus commit self deletus
Yeetus yeetus commit self deletus
Yeetus yeetus commit self deletus
Yeetus yeetus commit self deletus
Yes fren now i'm secured, thank you fren
Congratulations @Marius Csampar! You just advanced to **level 2**!
<:Feelsbadman:638503723139858433> i finished the wagecucking, now i'm safe
@Marius Csampar based
Failed my history quiz today apparently
@MerryBeanmas has joined Deus Pepe. Make sure to give them a warm welcome!