Message from @Autumnpost 🎃
Discord ID: 656251671617470477
It's all about Authoritarian vs Libertarian
And even then the only true correct path is radical socialism combined with Traditionalist social policy
Men has two natures. Change and protection.
To create new things we must change. To protect ourselves from the chaotic forces of degeneracy we must protect.
Define degeneracy
Anyone who unironically belives in "natural law" is autistic and pagan
Divine law only
Gay shit
Sounds pagan
Stop calling the world earth just say the planet
Retarded comparison
Mandarin or orange
They are different things you fucking idiot
Madadins and oranges are literally different fruit
Fruit debates?
Okay language barried here slav cunt
In Dutch we call em the same
Oranje for orange
The Dutch are fucking retarded
Actually fucking retarded
Okay slav niggy
These look like the same fucking fruit?
We call the bottom one sinnasappel
Something something apple
now this is epic
That is a fake deal. The real jew king would give you one gold per turn
Ah yes. I sure love having cultural enrichment for one shekel every year
No he is a real jew because he's being cheap with his money
That is a point
Comfy af
I'll ask for a glass