Message from @GHOST

Discord ID: 590046539636932625

2019-06-17 05:10:22 UTC  

An authoritarian society can still be morally right

2019-06-17 05:10:23 UTC  

well, I don't, I just don't mean it towards you

2019-06-17 05:10:33 UTC  

The problem is not with liberty the problem is putting liberty first

2019-06-17 05:10:38 UTC  


2019-06-17 05:10:41 UTC  

It can't come first and it's not the most important

2019-06-17 05:10:44 UTC  

You actually said something coherent

2019-06-17 05:11:11 UTC  

Because you can't have it without traditional Christianity

2019-06-17 05:11:13 UTC  

virtue and piety

2019-06-17 05:11:28 UTC  


2019-06-17 05:11:33 UTC  

The bible was composed by the church, it isn't the be all end all of anything

2019-06-17 05:12:09 UTC  

We have *2000 years* of teaching on the stuff in it. But without a proper magisterium, it's worthless

2019-06-17 05:12:10 UTC  

Context matters

2019-06-17 05:12:31 UTC  

Comparing Christianity to other religions is just retarded because it's very very unique

2019-06-17 05:12:44 UTC  


2019-06-17 05:13:11 UTC  

Christian societies are nothing like Muslim societies. Christianity alone is God seeking man which is entirely unique to it.

2019-06-17 05:13:32 UTC  

But what makes Christian societies inherently above Muslim ones

2019-06-17 05:13:45 UTC  

Christianity is true

2019-06-17 05:13:48 UTC  

It's not two sides of the same coin

2019-06-17 05:13:56 UTC  

Whereas Islam is only partially true

2019-06-17 05:14:10 UTC  

One is very unique unlike any other religion on earth

2019-06-17 05:14:17 UTC  

Okay guys it was nice talking to you guys but i finna go to sleep goodnight

2019-06-17 05:14:28 UTC  

Good night bud

2019-06-17 05:14:38 UTC  

Unqualified, both of you haven’t anything to stand on with saying it is unique and true

2019-06-17 05:14:44 UTC  

All religions have a small slice of the truth God has revealed. Only Catholicism has that full truth (and arguable Orthodoxy)

2019-06-17 05:15:07 UTC  

Christianity comes after that shit

2019-06-17 05:15:10 UTC  

While I would agree from a theological perspective

2019-06-17 05:15:28 UTC  

It would be argued by a Muslim that their interpretation is true

2019-06-17 05:15:36 UTC  

All other Abrahamic religions were before Jesus came and said hey I'm Jesus here I am and this is the actual truth I'm here to prove it and tell you

2019-06-17 05:15:46 UTC  

So it kinda renders them invalid

2019-06-17 05:15:50 UTC  

Islam came after Jesus

2019-06-17 05:16:17 UTC  

But in what way

2019-06-17 05:16:23 UTC  

Mohammad recognized Jesus as a prophet, Islam puts Mohammad as both the final and the most correct prophet

2019-06-17 05:16:46 UTC  

Mohammad came in 5th century

2019-06-17 05:16:50 UTC  

I thought

2019-06-17 05:16:52 UTC  

Maybe later

2019-06-17 05:16:55 UTC  

8th iirc

2019-06-17 05:17:08 UTC  

Either way, Islam rejects a lot of things Christ said

2019-06-17 05:17:12 UTC  

7th, looked up

2019-06-17 05:17:20 UTC  


2019-06-17 05:17:48 UTC  

The issue is that based on religious texts alone, Christianity is more reliable due to the nature of the texts involved

2019-06-17 05:18:35 UTC  

Islam rejects the Crucifixion which has been proven as true by the American Medical Assocation