Message from @Dronestruck
Discord ID: 654532219448328196
@Dronestruck why do you like Anglo-Saxon paganism but not at least some aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture? the two are immensely intertwined
@M240DualWielder baste
Oh no.
Damn Otto is gay
I do like some aspects of anglo-saxon culture. Their art, music and buildings are very beautiful, what little of them we know of.
What about the people?
very dishonnorabuu
Gay helmet*
It's fucking gorgeous, isn't it?
commituu sepukuuu
@Dronestruck yeah but the gods don't just have art, they act like Anglo Saxons
Norse society was the worst of Europe
I think they transcend anglo-saxon culture
@Dronestruck somewhat
asdrubal what race even are you to be making fun of this craftsmanship?
but they certainly fit better in 600AD than now
I don't ascribe mortal politics to the Gods.
it influenced modern designs
The Stahlhelm is pretty much the basis for all modern military helmets
@Spergerger Yeah man totally, ancient Norse society was so sophisticated compared to the Aztecs, Olmecs, Mayans, or Incans
Aztecs weren’t shit, lmao.
aztecs weren't wite
Aztecs had advanced alloying
sothey gay
Vikings barely got out of the bronze age
lmao youre comparing the aztecs in 1300s to fucking vikings?
Aztec civilization predates vikings
nigga we wuz building cannons
Aztecs were white once
A long long time ago
Mayans existed during 200-900 CE. Aztecs succeeded them as the dominant Mesoamerican power.