Message from @DoobyCooby
Discord ID: 656555601890902036
@DuyΓͺn The government and the one's who are in control of education knows shite and people don't care. The one's who are in charge studied abroad so what the hell do they know.
then the government is failing your people by caving to globalism. trading and partnerships are fine, but should end when it costs you your people and culture
Well, as I said... no one cares or knows about that issue and most have lost true nationalism. A lot is proud when someone who has like half flip or quarter flip achieves something mundane or useless and many will still cheer and act so proud of our race LMAO. Materialism is also a big problem.
start a nationalist party
People need to learn that a nation is not a country or state
It's a cultural group
Nation-State time
A culture that governs itself *is* real Nationalism
Hmmm, I think we have a nationalist party but I doubt they know what they're talking about lmao
Not subject to an extra-cultural group
That's what we lack
Yall Psycho damn
?deport @DoobyCooby
**@DoobyCooby** has been thrown into the gulag.
police brutality on non whites
so sad
fuck jannies
Can we just legalise police brutality
Criminals btfo
@OrthoGoat no
Criminals but not suspects tho
Legalizing police brutality means police will not be as well disiplined as a police officer
What you need to do is not give individual PO's the right to be brutal, but to give supervisors, sergeants, etc to give the *order* to be brutal
I mean ofc I was being kinda ironic
In order to keep police obedient to their superiors