Message from @Andrew Williams

Discord ID: 380550638657863680

2017-11-16 02:41:09 UTC  

i'm listening

2017-11-16 02:41:36 UTC  

It exposes those people who cannot exercise self control and who would likely cause strife in our society in other ways

2017-11-16 02:43:07 UTC  

It doesn't even need to be a total prohibition, we already have the technology in place to limit the availability per individual

2017-11-16 02:43:07 UTC  

🆙 | **Pax Exterminii leveled up!**

2017-11-16 02:43:16 UTC  

The argument is should the state cattle the weak away from things that are dangerous to them in the interest of the volk or should people retain autonomy which is a mixed bag of degeneracy and freedom

2017-11-16 02:43:37 UTC  

People should retain autonomy that the state can take away

2017-11-16 02:43:48 UTC  

Eh idk it's a tough issue

2017-11-16 02:43:49 UTC  

As we do with Sudafed since meth manufacturers were buying tons at a time

2017-11-16 02:44:21 UTC  

Now we can track how much was bought and when and bar the sale if it's suspect

2017-11-16 02:45:06 UTC  

Using just a drivers license, something that gets scanned at the time of purchase of alcohol anyways

2017-11-16 02:45:52 UTC  

tbh drugs probably won't be a problem in the Alliance because high iq whites aren't gonna want to get high all the time

2017-11-16 02:47:28 UTC  

@its pen in conclusion we could achieve a balance of both with modern technology

2017-11-16 02:48:18 UTC  

I agree

2017-11-16 02:48:39 UTC  

heavy regulation is ideal because it kills the black market mostly and keeps it away from kids

2017-11-16 02:50:39 UTC  

Heavy regulation and government infiltration of organized crime that sells it

2017-11-16 02:50:48 UTC  

Execution without trial for suppliers and dealers

2017-11-16 02:51:25 UTC  

idk about without trial as brutal and cool as that sounds lol

2017-11-16 02:51:36 UTC  

important information is extracted through trials generally

2017-11-16 02:51:39 UTC  

and plea deals are made

2017-11-16 02:52:15 UTC  

We don't want those cunts out on the streets, they'll probably go back to selling anyway. Get information from them before execution. "We won't kill you if you tell us ___!"

2017-11-16 02:52:22 UTC  

*shoots them in the back of the head*

2017-11-16 02:52:41 UTC  

After they tell us what we needed to hear of course

2017-11-16 02:53:01 UTC  

I was being hyperbolic, I don't want to completely trample people's individual rights, but limiting availability of "light" recreational substances, like alcohol and nicotine products would be, in my mind, the most effective strategy. Obviously you're going to have people reselling their weekly allowance of alcohol, but most people abide by the rules and wouldn't do that

2017-11-16 02:53:49 UTC  

Not to mention that the economic factors that drive that sort of black market selling behavior won't exist in the first place

2017-11-16 02:58:17 UTC  

Tons of these behaviors are driven by (((capitalism))) and the lumpenproles (niggers habitually engaged in criminal enterprise) that it creates. The redpill in here is that 9 times out of ten whites will work three jobs before resorting to crime for the money to make ends meet, rather than the nigger who lives in a respect/insult culture who's status is determined by their displays of meaningless material wealth

2017-11-16 03:04:40 UTC  

The nonwhite culture being based upon displays of meaningless material wealth is one of the things I hate most about them. As a high school student I have to deal with that shit on a daily basis. It sucks. Sure @SongBird and @Guy Führereri🔥 know what I'm talking about

2017-11-16 03:04:47 UTC  

And I think @HoosierShitposter too

2017-11-16 03:08:42 UTC  

Its true

2017-11-16 03:09:06 UTC  

I'm beyond hating them, hating them, I believe, comes from a level of greater expectations

2017-11-16 03:09:14 UTC  

I'm just disgusted now

2017-11-16 03:09:26 UTC  

*holding greater expectations

2017-11-16 03:09:36 UTC  

Its a uniquely negro trait to go broke just to impress their friends

2017-11-16 03:09:59 UTC  

Kids on the free lunch line will wear Gucci belts, Balmains jeans, and Louis Vuiton hats to school

2017-11-16 03:10:07 UTC  

Don't forget the Michael Koors backpacks and Jordans

2017-11-16 03:11:33 UTC  

its ironic that peak black culture was probably when things were segregated and they were actually forced to work because if they commited crimes they just hung

2017-11-16 03:12:04 UTC  

after that went away they literally just went on welfare and crime almost entirely

2017-11-16 03:12:40 UTC  

Peak black culture is having a bunch of literate black Rhodesian tending lawns, building houses, paving roads, etc etc

2017-11-16 03:12:48 UTC  

the only decent sector of black wealth is entertainment which is almost entirely fiananced by jews

2017-11-16 03:12:57 UTC  

which is real interesting :^)

2017-11-16 03:13:19 UTC  

maybe fiananced is the wrong word

2017-11-16 03:13:21 UTC  
