Message from @TheMightyZ
Discord ID: 387253820142387201
Welcome <@260714997750038529>
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!67839593587675136>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin or moderator to begin your vetting process.
Vetting call <@&383916496918806529>
Welcome to Majestic 12, @BeerySwine. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin or moderator to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, @Noutis. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin or moderator to begin your vetting process.
yo guys someone will vet you soon I am working atm
Did something happen to previous channel?
It is gone
anyone from Europe
Nickname | country
Noutis finland
Beery | America
Or Grand Dragon, I'd actually prefer that.
@BeerySwine you will get someone from us
to vet you
noutis jus a sec
can i get vetted?
Welcome to Majestic 12, @Imperial Impaler. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin or moderator to begin your vetting process.
How's a ni🅱🅱a get vetted
Welcome to Majestic 12, @Fox Tx. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin or moderator to begin your vetting process.
@Nationally Fascist what sup
Welcome to Majestic 12, @Anti-rednibba. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin or moderator to begin your vetting process.