Message from @Politicalrebel
Discord ID: 393911917766508554
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!380883352703729666>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
So who do I dm to get recruited
they will get to you
did you PM them your application
copy and paste it into a text file, then just fill it out and upload them the text file
i guess thats a pain if you're on mobile
you don't need gmail you just need to open a text file on your computer
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!287733894139215883>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Bruno: How and why you found us
1. How did you hear about this group? Please include application/website and/or person
2. Why do you want to join this group?
Your thought process
1. What is your opinion of Gun Control?
2. What is your opinion on feminism, both classical and 3rd wave (modern)?
3. How many genders are there?
4. What is your opinion on race mixing?
5. What is your opinion on Furries, DDLG, weebs, yiff, and hentai
6. What is your opinion on pedophilia?
7. What do you think of the democrats?
8. What do you think of the republicans?
9. What do you think of ISIS?
10. Is BLM a freedom-fighter's group, or a domestic terror organization, or something else? Please state your reasoning
11. What do you think of LGBT+?
12. What is your opinion on democracy?
13. What is your opinion on authoritatianism?
14. If anyone could win the 2020 election, who would it be?
Conspiracy therories
(Note: we do not exclude members based on this section alone, so please be honest)
1. Was the holocaust real? Give support for your claim
2. Who perpratrated 9/11?
1. What is your first language?
2. Do you speak another language? If so, what?
3. What skills do you have that makes you unique?
4. Do you have any kind of skill or talent you think we should know about?
1. Have you ever read James Mason?
2. Have you ever read Mein Kampf?
3. Have you ever read Karl Marx?
4. Have you ever read The Art of The Deal?
5. Have you ever read 1984?
Your Ideology
1. What is your ideology?
2. Please provide a screenshot of your poltical compass
About You
1. What is your race?
2. What is your age?
3. What is your gender?
4. What is your religion?
Division Assignment
1. What country are you from?
1.5 If USA, What area of the USA are you from? NorthEast, South, West, Midwest, or Pacific North West?
Send answers to me in dms
@Nationally Fascist I have sent the application
_**bruno the dobereman#3701 was banned.**_ :hammer:
@Defense I couldn't figure out how to dm you so I sent my aplication to @Imperial Impaler
So ya just waiting for my vetting process to begin
Yes check dm
Welcome to Majestic 12, @Anon. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, @NotKana. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!277259059563069441>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, @Some guy. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!91226859760545792>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, @J2k44. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Anyone able to vet?
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!348569540893999104>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, @bobdebuilder. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.