Message from @Keksy
Discord ID: 396868469783789568
Welcome to Majestic 12, @Stephen F Austism. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!375194629232001025>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Anyone here lile Lovecraft?
H.P. Lovecraft
idk what that is
The Call of Cthulhu?
I do
In don't want to come off as some huge fan but I know some of his work
Hes good isnt he? Ive been getting into him recently
Yes but I'm still more of a Poe kinda guy
He was pretty good, i haven't read everything but ive read a bit
I think Poe is more twisted.
Oof, that would be hard to say
I want a Paragon Warlock so fucking bad
I would eradicate 6 million jews for one of those
How do I vett
Are you saying you wouldn't generally?
I would eradicate 6 million jews just because
yeah exactly
Fuck those hooked nose kikes
Why would i kill 6 million
Id kill all of them
The knife would just be the bonus
are there even 6 million left
50 something million
Holy shit...
That's alot of gas
thats 50 something million too many
1 is too many
They need to go into the negatives
Like we need ti kill so many, theyre coming back to life just to be killed again
or just completely eradicate them