Message from @ThatGoy
Discord ID: 399355308205670430
Same for you.
ill fill out when i get home
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!383249404670377985>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
any vetting available?
What happened to my answers?
Do I need to retype them?
screen grab then deleted. Glow in the dark CIA niggers confirmed.
i feel like discords are always traps.
Same here 😂 after discord shut down a bunch of groups
like someone is just gonna kick in my door after i say some ignorant shit on the internet.
i think thats the worst aspect of it too. that i actually fear for my safety over saying the wrong things.
I'm in the same boat. In was thinking maybe I should have applied for my firearms license before joining.
it's pretty easy to tell what is protected vs not-protected speech
speaking as an american
also speaking as an american.
can you educate me?
ein minuten
You could Google unprotected speech
Unprotected speech can be classified into obscenity, fighting words, fraudulent misrepresentation, advocacy of imminent lawless behavior, and defamation
Black mail is also illegal
those are very broad terms.
right, if it goes that far it's hashed out in a court of law
but the big watchwords are specific incitement to violence
or specific targeting of individuals under what can be incitement
simply criticising people or groups is absolutely protected speech
for now
if you live in a place with hate speech laws, like canada, or cuck island or whereever
it's a different story
Gotta love the U.S.
best country hands dowm
realistically speaking though
The demographics of certain areas suck and the overall demographic trend
if someone cared enough they could ruin just with what people say
yeah but overall best country.
i have everything i need. is good.
best country by laws being enforced yes
best country by people would be something along the lines of poland