Message from @Hellootitties
Discord ID: 637141038594654210
*you look great today*
Nah I'm sick
Get well brotha
I look like a dish rag
Pls be potato gf
snake was hot af tho
Fuck the haters man
Snake gf smell like snake
well played jmack son
Slime @Hellootitties
>obligitory post goth gf
Rip potato gf
Nigga I’m bored
hey fags
i already seen <:based:620490020536451072>
don't give me roles
@Crippled Cupid no you're gayer
I got a baddd idea <:euphoria:624037229353893888> <:tickled:619648134561267723> @jmack
I'll tell u in a bittt
Ok homos Julien's out
Cya homie
night Julien
<:tickled:619648134561267723> <:rub:620016319944851457>
@El Julien g'nite fellow Argie
@Mr. Skelly runes
Getting numbers is way easier in college