Message from @Lucipher

Discord ID: 637858720189120533

2019-10-27 03:40:35 UTC  

ik the way people talked about it in the adirondacks you'd think it happened every year

2019-10-27 03:40:42 UTC  


2019-10-27 03:40:44 UTC  

here too

2019-10-27 03:40:54 UTC  

You live near Ruby Ridge though

2019-10-27 03:41:01 UTC  


2019-10-27 03:41:02 UTC  

It's like a county away from you

2019-10-27 03:41:13 UTC  


2019-10-27 03:41:16 UTC  

That's probably why

2019-10-27 03:41:16 UTC  


2019-10-27 03:41:36 UTC  

no. falls is right. it's like a spooky story.

2019-10-27 03:41:46 UTC  

the gubmint gonna getchya

2019-10-27 03:41:47 UTC  

we should privatize it

2019-10-27 03:41:57 UTC  

the government did get his family

2019-10-27 03:42:04 UTC  

and the Feds overturned Idaho courts to set him free

2019-10-27 03:42:05 UTC  


2019-10-27 03:42:07 UTC  

say kids, have you heard the story.....? of Ruby Ridge!

2019-10-27 03:42:14 UTC  

*flashlight under face*

2019-10-27 03:42:25 UTC  

*shines flashlight upward from chin*

2019-10-27 03:42:30 UTC  


2019-10-27 03:42:30 UTC  

***sniper takes out child around campfire***

2019-10-27 03:42:49 UTC  

timmy would grow up to be a prick tho

2019-10-27 03:42:51 UTC  

no harm done

2019-10-27 03:43:01 UTC  

I love myself a good campfire federal shootout story

2019-10-27 03:43:20 UTC  

best kinda campfire story

2019-10-27 03:43:25 UTC  

i love myself a good federal shootout

2019-10-27 03:43:30 UTC  

Imagine you're the sniper having to get over the mental anguish and bad press for killing a kid, and then you get shipped off to fucking Waco

2019-10-27 03:43:34 UTC  

i like skinwalker stories better

2019-10-27 03:43:40 UTC  

I was watching the video of that oregon sovereign citizen who got btfo in 2016

2019-10-27 03:43:42 UTC  

ive seen skinwalkers

2019-10-27 03:43:46 UTC  

in the fog

2019-10-27 03:43:48 UTC  

Drunk Natives

2019-10-27 03:43:55 UTC  

buncha hicks

2019-10-27 03:43:56 UTC  

im in new zealand

2019-10-27 03:44:04 UTC  

skin walkers don't real

2019-10-27 03:44:04 UTC  

no natives here

2019-10-27 03:44:14 UTC  


2019-10-27 03:44:22 UTC  

Skin Walkers are streakers

2019-10-27 03:44:24 UTC  

change my mind

2019-10-27 03:44:25 UTC  

ive seen them, they too fast and too tall to be deer

2019-10-27 03:44:26 UTC  

i was high the other day and i could swear my hair was changing colors

2019-10-27 03:44:32 UTC  

@DeusPoleVult you best start believing in skinwalker stories, CUZ UR IN ONE!