Message from @Bolsapryca

Discord ID: 639714553843679232

2019-11-01 06:31:56 UTC  

Sometimes I get smonked and take a shower and I think my mom is yelling at me in Spanish for being a druggie but it’s just the shower vent

2019-11-01 06:32:07 UTC  

hi jmack

2019-11-01 06:32:18 UTC  

i remember my mom yelling at me in spanish

2019-11-01 06:32:35 UTC  

there wasn't reason to yell at me thoug cause i was perfect

2019-11-01 06:32:41 UTC  

Was it for fumando marijuana

2019-11-01 06:32:43 UTC  

menopausic bitches be like

2019-11-01 06:33:23 UTC  

no she usually yelled at me cause i didn't come home for 3 or 4 days

2019-11-01 06:33:27 UTC  

and shit like that

2019-11-01 06:33:43 UTC  

I am the spook

2019-11-01 06:33:46 UTC  


2019-11-01 06:33:49 UTC  


2019-11-01 06:34:09 UTC  

i'm the older brother

2019-11-01 06:34:38 UTC  

so my younger brother and sister get all the shit cause they're retarded and i had more time to learn how to work my parents retardation

2019-11-01 06:34:59 UTC  

i wonder how they're doing <:smugpepe:619749634402942998>

2019-11-01 06:35:32 UTC  

I was living out of my truck in a marijuana induced psychosis after quitting my job and my mom was livid <:based:620490020536451072> <:based:620490020536451072> <:based:620490020536451072> <:based:620490020536451072>

2019-11-01 06:35:52 UTC  

I would come home to take a shower maybe once a week

2019-11-01 06:35:57 UTC  

i remember i quit my first job 2 days in cause it was fucking slavery

2019-11-01 06:36:13 UTC  

and my mom had a passive aggressive fit

2019-11-01 06:36:16 UTC  

for a week

2019-11-01 06:36:57 UTC  

my father works at human resources and my mother has a company

2019-11-01 06:37:14 UTC  

so they shouldn't care about my shit in terms of cash

2019-11-01 06:37:57 UTC  

I know I should get up and lift but I’m a lazy POS and I’m already in bed

2019-11-01 06:38:45 UTC  

i do my workout before taking a shower

2019-11-01 06:38:52 UTC  

so i never skip it <:smugpepe:619749634402942998>

2019-11-01 06:40:13 UTC  

Oh shit that’s right I was gonna shower at this gym, too

2019-11-01 06:40:23 UTC  

Because it’s freezing outside I guess

2019-11-01 06:40:36 UTC  

I can just change my clothes and towel up tho

2019-11-01 06:40:36 UTC  

what are you a hobo

2019-11-01 06:40:40 UTC  


2019-11-01 06:40:56 UTC  

i remember when i seriously thought about becoming a hobo

2019-11-01 06:40:59 UTC  

Showering at gym squad

2019-11-01 06:41:00 UTC  

i had it all planned

2019-11-01 06:41:00 UTC  

I just sweat a lot when I workout but it’s like 20 degrees outside

2019-11-01 06:41:29 UTC  

showering at the gym is the most sexually aggressive activity i've done

2019-11-01 06:41:33 UTC  

So I should change my clothes and dry out before I go outside

2019-11-01 06:41:37 UTC  


2019-11-01 06:42:07 UTC  

i went to the mall gym for a month

2019-11-01 06:42:13 UTC  

and it was always full of people

2019-11-01 06:43:09 UTC  

I go to a 24 hour fitness but this one is gonna close from midnight to 4 am starting December

2019-11-01 06:43:12 UTC  

<:gunpepe:619749635224895518> <:gunpepe:619749635224895518> <:gunpepe:619749635224895518> <:gunpepe:619749635224895518> <:gunpepe:619749635224895518>

2019-11-01 06:43:15 UTC  

the first day i went from the showers to the dressroom naked and someone looked at me weird