Message from @0099

Discord ID: 642498657870151682

2019-11-08 22:58:41 UTC  

They get into twitter beefs every week its a fuckin circus

2019-11-08 22:58:57 UTC  

Atheistic religion doesnt say all you idiot

2019-11-08 22:59:03 UTC  

Learn to read

2019-11-08 22:59:09 UTC  

Yeah it implies it

2019-11-08 22:59:12 UTC  


2019-11-08 22:59:12 UTC  

Tfw the founder of the satanic temple followed me on twitter in 2015 bc I backed him up in a flame war

2019-11-08 22:59:13 UTC  

No it doesnt

2019-11-08 22:59:16 UTC  

You dipshit

2019-11-08 22:59:17 UTC  

Yes it does

2019-11-08 22:59:22 UTC  


2019-11-08 22:59:34 UTC  

you literally said "atheistic religion"

2019-11-08 22:59:39 UTC  

Humans are retarded, in that sentence it implies all

2019-11-08 22:59:44 UTC  

fucking shrimp brain

2019-11-08 22:59:47 UTC  


2019-11-08 22:59:47 UTC  

`This argument is stupid, cease`

2019-11-08 22:59:48 UTC  


2019-11-08 22:59:49 UTC  

I'm aware theistic Satanists exist

2019-11-08 22:59:51 UTC  


2019-11-08 23:00:00 UTC  

Theistic satanism is the hardest larp there is

2019-11-08 23:00:06 UTC  

Says the dude who literally cant read

2019-11-08 23:00:17 UTC  

do yall think itd be possible to sue microsoft for worsening insomnia and forcing an antisocial lifestyle that goes against my medical stuff
for how updates fuck everything in progress and u can't turn them off so "i have to stay up on the computer all night to keep it from updating in the assumed off hours so i can sleep"
to demand the option to not have forced updates and hoepfully a cash settlement?

2019-11-08 23:00:25 UTC  

Okay sun guy

2019-11-08 23:00:27 UTC  

@Kru§ol hey king

2019-11-08 23:00:28 UTC  

Youre on fire genius

2019-11-08 23:00:35 UTC  

NO TICKLE <:twinkie:619647999643222016>

2019-11-08 23:00:43 UTC  

At least I'm not on fire idiot

2019-11-08 23:00:48 UTC  

I am the chief edgy satanist of xyzygyygygy, learn your place maggot

2019-11-08 23:00:58 UTC

2019-11-08 23:00:58 UTC  

@Kru§ol I'll tickle you

2019-11-08 23:01:00 UTC  

goddamn shane stop being so edgy

2019-11-08 23:01:03 UTC  


2019-11-08 23:01:05 UTC  

go chill in the void for a while

2019-11-08 23:01:11 UTC  

I will shoot you

2019-11-08 23:01:24 UTC

2019-11-08 23:01:26 UTC  

Dont make me fucking kiss you

2019-11-08 23:01:28 UTC  
2019-11-08 23:01:29 UTC  

You have 5 minutes left for the mission to tickle your panta.

2019-11-08 23:01:43 UTC  

@Snah tickle my pants

2019-11-08 23:01:48 UTC  

@Snah what color role did you want

2019-11-08 23:01:55 UTC  


2019-11-08 23:01:56 UTC  

I never permitted you having void boi