Message from @Bolsapryca

Discord ID: 644128593043259412

2019-11-13 10:54:08 UTC  

That doesn’t sound very **free**

2019-11-13 10:54:26 UTC  

Why, you need a permission to buy your guns

2019-11-13 10:54:39 UTC  

You shouldn’t need permission

2019-11-13 10:54:42 UTC  

It's to check if you're a citizen of not

2019-11-13 10:54:56 UTC  

Of course you should show ID

2019-11-13 10:55:15 UTC  

>you shouldn't need a permission <:cursed:624041058749382666>

2019-11-13 10:55:16 UTC  

But govt permission and registry defeats the entire purpose

2019-11-13 10:55:40 UTC  

You literally have to prove you're citizen

2019-11-13 10:55:40 UTC  

The populace should ideally have better firearms than the military

2019-11-13 10:55:41 UTC  

you should need a permission for most things the gvt doesn't ask a permission for

2019-11-13 10:56:01 UTC  


2019-11-13 10:56:05 UTC  

having kids or pets

2019-11-13 10:56:11 UTC  


2019-11-13 10:56:21 UTC  

You should need permission to have kids?

2019-11-13 10:56:27 UTC  

of course

2019-11-13 10:56:39 UTC  

Seems expensive

2019-11-13 10:56:44 UTC  

and if you haven't passed the exam your kids are taken and relocated to better families

2019-11-13 10:56:54 UTC  


2019-11-13 10:56:54 UTC  

Seems authoritarian

2019-11-13 10:57:02 UTC  

that would turn into a business real fast

2019-11-13 10:57:03 UTC  

don't worry

2019-11-13 10:57:20 UTC  

What, subsidised?

2019-11-13 10:57:27 UTC  

@Arcadia_Bay I highly recommend you to read Hans Hermann Hoppe and if you know Spanish (you can use subtitles) hear Miguel Anxo Bastos and Xoan de Lugo (I know their president)

2019-11-13 10:57:35 UTC  

nigga just pass a test about basic caretaking stuff

2019-11-13 10:57:36 UTC  

Because that’s just another mask for the govt to steal money from the tax payer

2019-11-13 10:57:52 UTC  

cause some people don't even know how to wipe shit

2019-11-13 10:58:03 UTC  

I’ll see if I can find them @El Julien

2019-11-13 10:58:18 UTC  

And you think they know which hole to nut in to make a baby?

2019-11-13 10:58:27 UTC  

I recommend his book "democracy the god that failed"

2019-11-13 10:58:29 UTC  

that's instinctive

2019-11-13 10:58:37 UTC  

Guess so

2019-11-13 10:58:42 UTC  

But so is caring for young

2019-11-13 10:58:46 UTC  


2019-11-13 10:58:52 UTC  

you mean protecting the young

2019-11-13 10:58:52 UTC  


2019-11-13 10:58:54 UTC  

i mean

2019-11-13 10:58:55 UTC  


2019-11-13 10:59:05 UTC  

Caring and protecting children is a very basic human instinct

2019-11-13 10:59:26 UTC  

you can't care for babies the same way they cared 2000 years ago or you'd be in jail

2019-11-13 10:59:28 UTC  

Which is why crimes against children are so evil