Message from @Bolsapryca
Discord ID: 644776292490936330
>eating pork
>boiled ribs
Ive never hit a woman but im prepared to go to prison over this
I know how to handle meat
who the fuck would ever do that to ribs
thats a fucking disgrace to the cow
Lol are you a happy wok chef
moist ribs <:smugpepe:619749634402942998>
What the fuck
Boiling ribs is the only way
Food enthusiasts
***"PROOF I CAN COOK"*** *posts Chinese food*
I like this
Fuck religion
I mean, i just like good food. I'm not big on it but chicken sushi is a sin.
Food enthusiasts to unite the world
chicken sushi is alright
Just don’t boil meat
I like baked goods over regular food.
i fucking love cake
Especially ribs
>sticks meat in boiling water
>turns it grey and melts all the colegen
>tough piece of shit meat stuck in ur teeth
>fries it in sugar
"Im not only baby im a cook!"
chinese food is divine
@sky daddy i didnt boil those chickens
But i should have
I risked my life
Could have died from a pathogen
Chinese people don’t eat the stuff they cook
I didnt just pour sauce on it i double breaded it suck my dick
can't believe the boiling meme has come so far
>boiling beef
U guys are encouraging ppl to endager their lives
I'd like my steak boiled