Message from @PBL
Discord ID: 644971498934763540
Get all access pixie ice
@Shane I literally switched to juul because an actual Jew governor of my state raised cigarette taxes
I switched to an orion bc cheaper than juul
Actual fucking no good kike I don't mean he just happens to be Jewish I mean guy literally is done tax evasion shit and it's caught up in a lot of big money and he only got elected because he promised to legalize weed and that is legitimately why many people went and voted for him
Fucking like raised cigarettes, raised income taxes
Property taxes
But oh hey
Dude weedlamo
Fucking niggers
People from Chicago shouldn't be allowed in government
@eudaimonia natural selection
@Cursed jews pushing people away from jew owned cigarette to jew owned e cigarette
Makes you think
circumvent the international tobacco jew program by smoking duct tape and fiberboard shavings
@Kru§ol meditation? You mean spacing out while staring at the ceiling?
@Shane then the fucking kikes come out of the woodwork because goy likes his flavored garbage vape
How 2 meditate as krusol: smoke a lot of weed as a professional adult <:nice:620490020398170122> @Kru§ol
Oh and type for twenty minutes
<:nice:620490020398170122> <:nice:620490020398170122> <:nice:620490020398170122> <:nice:620490020398170122>
Meditation literally means concentration and self-reflection, from the Latin medi- meaning self-reflect, and -tion meaning the action or practice of. Whenever you are concentrating in any capacity (even if the concentration is emptying your mind) you're engaged in meditation. There are tons of types, some more obvious than others. Breathing, kundalini, chakric, mantric, visualization, asana yoga and postures/bandas/mudras are all common. Less common is walking, physical practices like sports, reading, and so on. These actions are very meditative when practiced regularly. So what I intend to show you is an array of techniques that can be used in concert to concentrate your body's focus on your intention, whether that be a particular subject, or yourself, or nothing
Krusol Meditation: Mortgage
So I was right that my automatic writing was meditation
Yea automatic writing (at least how I know it) is a form of channeling which is indeed a type of occult meditation
Video games is meditation
I have meditated at least once
The full meditation technique I want to share uses a 2-phase breathing technique combined with an auditory technique and, eventually, a mental technique
Woah..I'm in slow motion
@Kru§ol do you draw a distinctiom between day dreaming an visualization some nigger was trying to pull that one me
They all fold into each other but are usually best practiced in the beginning separately
theres definitely a distinction
you can meditate with spirits too 👀
meditation has intent behind it and thats what your honing/sharpening when you meditate. your mindfulness, your intention, and your concentration