Message from @Kosmos

Discord ID: 646671732715028480

2019-11-20 11:18:19 UTC  

Before you go

2019-11-20 11:18:21 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:18:25 UTC  

+3 apples

2019-11-20 11:18:36 UTC  

Hell yeah I love apples

2019-11-20 11:18:40 UTC  

Byebye now

2019-11-20 11:18:43 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:18:58 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:19:17 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:19:19 UTC  

Can this be new emoji

2019-11-20 11:19:27 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:19:46 UTC  

I will give you plenty of apples if you say yes

2019-11-20 11:19:47 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:19:56 UTC  

Epic emoji

2019-11-20 11:20:10 UTC  

^ see now it has to be one

2019-11-20 11:20:32 UTC  

Only issue is what's being communicated

2019-11-20 11:20:45 UTC  

Wait, not an issue

2019-11-20 11:20:50 UTC  

He’s cursing his creator

2019-11-20 11:20:54 UTC  

That could be said of 80% of the emojis

2019-11-20 11:21:00 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:21:57 UTC  

<:Gasmic:624037229462945812> <:jeeb:630918227731415040> *what’s being communicated* <:eowsley:620070490005962752> <:minecraft:634113802614603806>

2019-11-20 11:22:35 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:22:42 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:22:49 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:22:49 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:23:00 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:23:01 UTC  

@pierce your green aesthetic now creeps me out

2019-11-20 11:23:17 UTC  

That settles it I am dying my hair neon green

2019-11-20 11:23:25 UTC  

Good choice

2019-11-20 11:23:42 UTC

2019-11-20 11:23:54 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:24:17 UTC  

Don’t worry, he came back stronger

2019-11-20 11:24:30 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:24:50 UTC  

Weird dead hours

2019-11-20 11:24:53 UTC  

Best hours

2019-11-20 11:25:09 UTC  

I have to be up at 7 what am I doing AAAAAAAAAAAA

2019-11-20 11:25:17 UTC  


2019-11-20 11:25:41 UTC  

What the fuck is my crackhead body even running on I’m so confused

2019-11-20 11:26:02 UTC  

Pure adrenaline

2019-11-20 11:26:09 UTC  

Good album

2019-11-20 11:26:19 UTC  

It'll crash eventually, probably for at least 12 hrs

2019-11-20 11:26:39 UTC  

Pure chad adrenaline