Message from @Bolsapryca
Discord ID: 646687911034748929
There you go
Further proof that I am god
I don't think that has anything to do with it lmao
Lmfao I love these discord occult shitpost servers
Why is folk so fucking good
Cockroaches are impure entities that you are dodging (being protected from), the wolves that you are swerving on are the different levels that you are climbing (each level has a harder test than the one before as you ascend). Swerving means being imbalanced. You are going to the left side (side of impurity/also strictness) and the right (too much leniency). You are supposed to be centered. The reason you didn't dodge the last two cockroaches is because you are going about spiritual ascension the wrong way, its through a backdoor that causes impurity to attach itself to you.
I was going to ask you to do mine but my dreams sound so fucking weird
The benevolent voice is obvious
i like weird dreams
Peer pressure ;-;
the more detail you add the easier it'll be to interpret <:smugpepe:619749634402942998>
Das the meaning anyways.
well not easier
but accurate
I will dm
nigga it's a dream
To be frank that's a very assumption filled reading because you are making inferences on how I've otherwise gone about my spiritual ascension. You don't even know my intentions for exploring the darker side of existence but are declaring my entire ascension process to be through a backdoor where I look for impurity. Lots of projecting.
I feel peer pressured
I'm telling you what it means
It isn't projecting
Cockroaches aren't going to be angels are they?
well the cockroach dream sounds pretty easy
No but they are a part of life.
Too late
Dream interpreted
That's what it means
And yes
Not necessarily
Lol what? You aren't a god lmao
You are entering through the back door
And I don't think your interpretation is accurate.
Never said I was