Message from @Water
Discord ID: 646698361990283324
Hey to be fair
mmmm pizza hut
Drugs will make you six times freakier
Weed wont make you go crazy
fucking a dude won't bring me any negative issues tho
i use condom
Implying you have sex
But smoke some weed and pop an addy? Son you're gonna `SIN`
Weed gave me crazy endurance once with my ex
She had me stop
It wastes your spiritual power. Souls are dualistic
Male Female
Chesed Gevurah
Found gid......
I never get endurance from weed but addy endurance is anazing
i don't like to discuss shit when only one party believes in it
so end of the discussion lmao
@El Julien just buy an air conditioner
Penis ass
Im not the only one who believes this lmao
i'm not saying that
i'm saying i don't
@Shane I have one but I wanted to go out to see a Japanese restaurant
So that makes me wrong?
It's called fukuro
no that makes me not interested
I don't believe chairs are chairs
homosexual intercourse is statistically more harmful than heterosexual but you're taking that factoid and running with it
It makes you stupid
have you meditated on the mechanics of it brah
@pie romancer what practice do you practice for practice i am curious
i don't practice anything i'm a tourist
so me not sharing your weird ass belief system makes me stupid, @kienma sounds familiar
That's definitely vibe