Message from @vex is away
Discord ID: 646866573172408340
Commitment is a psyop
Remind me to purge my message history before I invite my gf here
I actually can't kick her
Im committed to non commitment
im legally unable to consent
@syz hi
roclf prl ad mprty\\\\ pjooyldu shti
roclf prl ad mprty\\ pjooyldu shti
It is i
now your thinkin' with portals
it took a bit apparently
Yes? @syz
@Rick &morty hey
@vex is away hey
Finally some people
I am all the people
@Rick &morty i masturbate to pictures of jesus dying on the cross
@Kru§ol I sent her an invite, it's all in good fun
@Kru§ol no
Please that's appalling
@vex is away hey
@vex is away but y tho?
Did u actually kick moo?
busy eatind drugfs
U guys are cockless
Why would u inv me back
how many drugs u eatin vex
@tsutsuki <:euphoria:624037229353893888> <a:stroke1:624030643478855710>
We need our e thots. Its all we have