Message from @pierce

Discord ID: 648521259151392809

2019-11-25 13:42:40 UTC  

Umm, hm, wolfy would know I guess

2019-11-25 13:42:56 UTC  

Can put a spoiler on it and they can delete if not

2019-11-25 13:43:54 UTC  

Would it count if I make it my pfp

2019-11-25 13:44:06 UTC  

Depends on what's in it I think

2019-11-25 13:44:18 UTC  

Oh that's um.... probably okay

2019-11-25 13:44:22 UTC  

No genitals

2019-11-25 13:44:30 UTC  

Best pic of brooks I could find

2019-11-25 13:44:39 UTC  

That's hilarious though

2019-11-25 13:44:47 UTC  

He would stomp my face in for making that

2019-11-25 13:45:07 UTC  

No one will ever know who was behind it

2019-11-25 13:45:29 UTC  

Now to spread it via..... hmm nah, DDLG communities wouldn't repost that

2019-11-25 13:45:32 UTC  

Not sure how to spread it

2019-11-25 13:45:58 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:46:23 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:46:39 UTC  

For the right amount of money, you could probably actually do it

2019-11-25 13:48:35 UTC

2019-11-25 13:48:42 UTC  

This on a billboard

2019-11-25 13:48:50 UTC  

Or this

2019-11-25 13:49:30 UTC

2019-11-25 13:51:36 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:51:57 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:52:02 UTC  

@Cogadh <:frens:633796971303272468> <:frens:633796971303272468> <:frens:633796971303272468> <:frens:633796971303272468>

2019-11-25 13:52:25 UTC  

t!cookie @Cogadh

2019-11-25 13:52:26 UTC  

2019-11-25 13:52:35 UTC  

Did he make those?!

2019-11-25 13:52:41 UTC  

t!rep @Cogadh

2019-11-25 13:52:41 UTC  

🆙 | **lilison has given @Cogadh a reputation point!**

2019-11-25 13:52:54 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:52:54 UTC  

🏧 | **lilison**, **you received your 💴 200 daily credits!**

2019-11-25 13:53:56 UTC

2019-11-25 13:53:57 UTC  

I’m cold

2019-11-25 13:54:08 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:54:16 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:54:24 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:54:57 UTC  

Weird, seems this server's sorta dead throughout most of the day now

2019-11-25 13:55:07 UTC

2019-11-25 13:55:15 UTC  

It’s nighttime

2019-11-25 13:55:15 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:55:23 UTC  


2019-11-25 13:55:52 UTC  

I think you’re the only Brit

2019-11-25 13:55:56 UTC  

That I know of