Message from @Lucipher

Discord ID: 650516945875107841

2019-12-01 02:00:07 UTC  

@Oneiros that album is great. thanks for posting!

2019-12-01 02:00:20 UTC  

I would buy the new edition rulebook for pathfinder

2019-12-01 02:00:25 UTC  

don't bother

2019-12-01 02:00:29 UTC  

PF2e isn't done

2019-12-01 02:00:29 UTC  

but that shit e x p e n s i v e

2019-12-01 02:00:37 UTC  

it's not?

2019-12-01 02:00:39 UTC  


2019-12-01 02:00:46 UTC  

it's also still broken for NPC creation and it's not backwards compatable

2019-12-01 02:00:49 UTC  

so here's the *thing*

2019-12-01 02:00:59 UTC  

Pathfinder works with all D20 and 3.0/3.5E DnD stuff

2019-12-01 02:01:06 UTC  

which is a *metric shitton* of content

2019-12-01 02:01:15 UTC  

I'll keep using PF1e then

2019-12-01 02:01:15 UTC  

i hate that youtube's AI brings me nothing but christmas bullshit even though i haven't listened to a single christmas song.

2019-12-01 02:01:20 UTC  

it's also Open Source, so you can go to somewhere like D20PFSRD or AoN and get all the info you need

2019-12-01 02:01:41 UTC  

yeah me and my friends don't call it pathfinder when we play

2019-12-01 02:01:42 UTC  

PF2e is *not* open source, and it's *not* backward compatible

2019-12-01 02:01:45 UTC  

Found it

2019-12-01 02:01:48 UTC  

just 3.5e

2019-12-01 02:02:02 UTC  

>that wig

2019-12-01 02:02:04 UTC  

I started on 3.5, then we found out about PF and were like "holy fuck this is better"

2019-12-01 02:02:05 UTC  


2019-12-01 02:02:15 UTC

2019-12-01 02:02:33 UTC  

plot twist

2019-12-01 02:02:52 UTC  

no one exists and people are only the words they say to you.

2019-12-01 02:02:55 UTC

2019-12-01 02:03:15 UTC  

At least if ur schizo ur never alone

2019-12-01 02:03:19 UTC  

Unlike us normies

2019-12-01 02:03:20 UTC  


2019-12-01 02:03:22 UTC  


2019-12-01 02:03:25 UTC  

you ain't no normie

2019-12-01 02:03:28 UTC

2019-12-01 02:03:31 UTC  


2019-12-01 02:03:32 UTC  

>not creating a cadre of tulpas

2019-12-01 02:03:49 UTC  


2019-12-01 02:03:54 UTC  

Tulpa Cadre ENGAGE!

2019-12-01 02:04:30 UTC

2019-12-01 02:04:34 UTC  

whenever you're made to do something you don't feel like doing, just let your tulpa do it for you.

2019-12-01 02:04:46 UTC  


2019-12-01 02:04:48 UTC  


2019-12-01 02:05:29 UTC  

it's like an rpg where i just switch to the character most cut out for the job.

2019-12-01 02:05:32 UTC  

I think I malnourished myself for not eating lmaoooooo