Message from @G-Windows 69

Discord ID: 652360487375208448

2019-12-06 04:05:50 UTC  

and now you are treated as a higher class of citizen because of it

2019-12-06 04:05:50 UTC  

a few hundred years and current day, aight.

2019-12-06 04:05:54 UTC  


2019-12-06 04:05:56 UTC  

lmao no i'm not

2019-12-06 04:05:58 UTC  

76% of the slave owners where jewish the white rich people are all jewish
when will you catch up blackey @Agwe

2019-12-06 04:05:58 UTC  

how terrible

2019-12-06 04:06:00 UTC  

From the tribe known as the beautiful Alan's

2019-12-06 04:06:17 UTC  

I'm not treated as a higher citizen by any means.

2019-12-06 04:06:21 UTC  

@BB yeah totally

2019-12-06 04:06:24 UTC  

muh racist cops

2019-12-06 04:06:35 UTC  

they are corrupt to everyone

2019-12-06 04:06:36 UTC  

I'm just a dude. And there's a few closeted racists and a few overt racists.

2019-12-06 04:06:38 UTC  

whereas I have to watch the entirety of western europe take in rapist migrants over ideas like "equality" and "racial harmony"

2019-12-06 04:06:38 UTC  

It's just life.

2019-12-06 04:06:44 UTC  

You're for every people but whites having their own country, you are against whites. @G-Windows 69

2019-12-06 04:06:49 UTC  

and listen to a bunch of fucking rap music about how white men are worthless and weak and white women are stupid hoes

2019-12-06 04:07:04 UTC  

I'm curious what modern rap music says this.

2019-12-06 04:07:07 UTC  

Everyone is racist

2019-12-06 04:07:19 UTC  

the majority of it kek

2019-12-06 04:07:20 UTC  

@Major Slow I’m against the concept of a ethnostate

2019-12-06 04:07:40 UTC  

Racism from anyone is deplorable

2019-12-06 04:07:44 UTC  

Why don't you support the division of Japan with Muslims

2019-12-06 04:07:44 UTC  


2019-12-06 04:07:48 UTC  

i care about how you behave you have shown that you blame whites for slavery that makes you my enemy
if you could behave normally and respect my culture act as a friend not mixing my race and not chimp out then blame da evil whyte people
i'd consider you my equal

2019-12-06 04:07:50 UTC  

Or Korea

2019-12-06 04:07:57 UTC  

Or Iran with nigs

2019-12-06 04:08:07 UTC  

Well secularization of the world too

2019-12-06 04:08:07 UTC  

@BB when did i blame anyone or say white people were evil

2019-12-06 04:08:07 UTC  

🆙 | **Agwe leveled up!**

2019-12-06 04:08:12 UTC  

Or literally any other ethnicity

2019-12-06 04:08:14 UTC  

I hate everyone, crackers, niggers, browns, kikes, nippers, spics, fuck humanity

2019-12-06 04:08:21 UTC  

You're a liar

2019-12-06 04:08:36 UTC  

@Agwe you heavily implied and disagreed with the kikes being 76% of the slave owners
you agreed to whites causing slavery

2019-12-06 04:08:36 UTC

2019-12-06 04:08:39 UTC  

how do you think it feels to modern whites to know that your ancestors literally removed systems of slavery they had put in place, for emotional reasons and having an overabundance of empathy, only to be treated like shit in their own countries?

2019-12-06 04:08:46 UTC  

@BB africans sold africans

2019-12-06 04:08:50 UTC  

that too

2019-12-06 04:08:51 UTC  


2019-12-06 04:08:54 UTC  

but jews as well

2019-12-06 04:08:57 UTC  

whites didn't do so much

2019-12-06 04:08:59 UTC  

@Major Slow your acting like Latin America a living example of cultures mixing to create new cultures doesn’t exist