Message from @Crippled Cupid

Discord ID: 652399807255805957

2019-12-06 06:42:29 UTC  

>your pfp

2019-12-06 06:42:30 UTC  

me with balkans

2019-12-06 06:42:41 UTC  

half kosovar albanian

2019-12-06 06:42:49 UTC  

i went into a library

2019-12-06 06:42:51 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:42:55 UTC  

@pierce that's because of your constant bulli

2019-12-06 06:42:59 UTC  

noticed an illustration on a book

2019-12-06 06:43:03 UTC  

went with the meme

2019-12-06 06:43:09 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:43:16 UTC  

Tfw you sign your soul to the us military for 4 years because you don’t know what a fucking scholarship is

2019-12-06 06:43:19 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:43:23 UTC

2019-12-06 06:43:26 UTC  

>gets stabbed by poisoned spear

2019-12-06 06:43:34 UTC  

>fucking dies

2019-12-06 06:43:35 UTC  

@pierce <:pissed:640245029238997005> <:pissed:640245029238997005> <:pissed:640245029238997005> <:pissed:640245029238997005>

2019-12-06 06:43:41 UTC  

That’s enough breeki bullying for today

2019-12-06 06:43:44 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:43:47 UTC  

and the illustrator is a guy who used to teach me painting as a kid

2019-12-06 06:43:48 UTC  

@pierce he's going to die for israel

2019-12-06 06:43:54 UTC  

@pierce play music dirty bean

2019-12-06 06:43:55 UTC  

but i was an imbecile and didnt appreciate this

2019-12-06 06:43:58 UTC  

and im going to contact him

2019-12-06 06:44:06 UTC  

and be like hey sup teach me how to paint

2019-12-06 06:44:17 UTC  

Our greatest ally!!!! :)

2019-12-06 06:44:25 UTC  

love the new name btw

2019-12-06 06:44:28 UTC  

I’m not in the call anymore

2019-12-06 06:44:32 UTC  

another 3.8 billion to israel

2019-12-06 06:44:37 UTC  

oh god fuck

2019-12-06 06:44:38 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:44:48 UTC  

-p tool

2019-12-06 06:44:48 UTC  

im just noticing all the chances i had

2019-12-06 06:44:53 UTC  

smacking me in the face

2019-12-06 06:44:56 UTC  

meanwhile americans are starving on the streets

2019-12-06 06:45:01 UTC  

but we need to let in more imigrants

2019-12-06 06:45:04 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:45:16 UTC  

remember when it was only from countries that where in war
and for tops 7 years?

2019-12-06 06:45:19 UTC  

i remember that

2019-12-06 06:45:23 UTC  

whatever happend to that?

2019-12-06 06:45:37 UTC  

whiter than you achmed @Departure

2019-12-06 06:45:48 UTC  

They're not even starving

2019-12-06 06:45:50 UTC  
