Message from @Tatsumaki

Discord ID: 636763486675927041

2019-09-26 19:45:41 UTC  

Today's dream was non supernatural, though there was one factor that bears pointing out.
Like most dreams I have, the architecture of spaces is mismatched, where I was entering the building with highest laboratories of my university, but it's interior was that of a lego replica of an Illuminati room of sorts. I only recognized the more normie tier symbols like the eye within the compass and ruler, blue starred drapes on a dimly candlelit room. All of these details expertly replicated in lego. In the middle of the room was a normal, non-lego cardboard box that I promptly took and ran. The rest of the dream was me running from red cloacked figures through my hometown and has nothing of interest, just me having Metal Gear like camouflage abilities and seeing a surprising amount of kodak stores open.

2019-09-26 19:49:02 UTC  

So what do you think of it?

2019-09-26 20:40:47 UTC  

Legos symbolize transformation and construction, and in my childhood I associated the things I built with it with greate power. I have no idea what I stole or why I returned to my hometown

2019-09-28 02:20:56 UTC  

have you been really invested in conspiracy-esque information? lots of symbolism going on too

2019-09-28 02:21:01 UTC  
2019-09-28 11:01:53 UTC  

Yeah, but it has been mostly been earthly conspiracies. I wasn't invested in freemasons in a long long time

2019-09-28 20:48:21 UTC  

all my dreams are psychological thrillers prob better if i don't remember em

2019-09-29 06:38:34 UTC  

I got back into /x/ after years of no 4chan recently, I had horrible dreams about a man with backwards legs appearing randomly killing my friends and generally just chasing me. He would be in dreams that had no relevance to him, but would immediately make them about him. He wears a red flannel and looks disheveled, i have not seen his face due to his hair usually being in it. (it's quite similar to mine.)

2019-09-29 06:41:10 UTC  

Me Cole Kassie and jack were walking down the road my house is on, my car was at the grocery store parking lot. Jack and Kassie were talking about drama or something so they stayed at the top of the grocery store parking lot by the tunnel, me and Cole went to pick up my car. When me and Cole got to my car we heard the worst scream, it was 3 separate screams each sounded horrifying.

It felt like I could tell who was screaming, it was obvious that it was Jack and Kassie but one of their screams was echoing almost like it was being played back in a speaker or someone was mimicking it. When we got there Kassie was screaming and pointing at a bush. Kassie was in shambles saying jack dropped her cigarettes and went to look for them. (it reminded me of the mother in hereditary after looking in the car.) Jack was laying in the Bush face down, she was wearing a bomber jacket and it was torn apart with fluff coming out of it and signs of blood.

Cole flipped her over and stood back and started crying saying she was dead. Shadows were drawn over her face so I couldn't see what Cole did. Kassie stopped screaming and went into a state of shock rocking back and forth. Then we heard another scream, exactly like the scream that was being echoed. Far down the street past the church where I live was a person in a red flannel stumbling down the street. I immediately knew it was them screaming, the way it walked scared me the most. It's like my brain immediately knew it wasn't right.

It was walking away from us, it was bouncing up and down like a marionette but its arms weren't flailing. Cole pulled out a pocket knife and Kassie grabbed a piece of rebar that was next to jack. It screamed again and I felt a really intense anxiety, I realized that it wasn't walking away from us rather its legs were bending the wrong way. I woke up and didn't fall back asleep.

2019-09-29 06:42:44 UTC  

(this was the first dream, i wrote it down immediately after waking up.)

2019-09-29 18:17:58 UTC  

so what do you think of it?

2019-09-29 18:18:12 UTC  

seems like youre pretty good at journaling dreams, this is pretty detailed

2019-09-29 18:18:23 UTC  

are you very familiar with dream interpretation? @furtive_pygmy

2019-09-29 18:22:45 UTC  

Yes, not learned enough to do it myself though.

2019-09-29 18:24:21 UTC  

I have had a dream journal for quite a while, never as one book but more if i feel they are important i write them on whatever is near.

2019-10-03 06:06:49 UTC  

Do you have social media to follow?

2019-10-23 23:08:10 UTC  

I don't have a sex life in my dreams.

2019-10-24 00:26:12 UTC  

Cant imagine you would if you dont have a sex life irl

2019-10-24 00:26:28 UTC  

Nothing to mirror and represent from reality

2019-10-24 03:10:45 UTC  

I have in dreams before, but now either times I attempt it or it tries it on me it just doesn't happen. I either try it or refuse it, but the result is the same, nothing happens.

2019-10-24 03:10:45 UTC  

🆙 | **Capricious Spider leveled up!**

2019-10-24 03:10:55 UTC  

It's strange.

2019-10-24 03:11:12 UTC  

It's like I have become a super incel.

2019-10-24 22:10:45 UTC  

I don't normally dream about anything aside from what I was reading before I went to sleep but last night I had a weird and unrelated dream. I was just a spectator watching what I perceived as a serpent deity that only looked like a man with a spear and oddly placed perfectly circular holes in his body fighting this black star cloud looking entity and when I would wake up I was so positive it was real I would look around for the beings and try to know exactly what they were. But when I fell back asleep the fight would continue again but the weird thing is they weren't actually fighting or anything, its like they were having a staring contest and talking but I couldn't hear the words but when I remember it I can only consider it a fight. The snake god is just really stuck in my head for some reason.

2019-10-25 13:52:30 UTC  

I forget what I dreamed about, but i do vaguely remember it.

2019-10-25 14:45:24 UTC  

had a very long dream, a lot of it felt very symbolic, one part was a small black and white bird flew in the bedroom window and flying around the room, i closed the curtains to create darkness, then opened them again to try direct it out towards the light, the bird flew out and was saved

2019-10-25 14:45:26 UTC  

any thoughts?

2019-10-26 00:43:25 UTC  

This morning I woke up at the end of what was a mild nightmare. I was in a hospital. I remember light colored wood looking floors, white walls, with some blue accents. I don't remember why I was there. I was near the room door and each room was slightly offset, so I could see across the hall into the other room but only like half of it. I remember feeling apprehension and slight fear while I was getting near the door. I heard a loud thud and I saw a short hair black woman get thrown against a cupboard/wardrobe that was near the other door. She had a surprised look on her face and almost immediately, a naked man wearing a hospital gown ran up to her and started violently stabbing her in the side. He moved so fast and his arm was almost a blur as he stabbed her over and over. I freaked out and looked down the hall, didn't see anyone but I saw an exit, so I started to run down the hall. As I was running past the door (only a few feet outside the room I was in), I saw movement out of the corner of my eyes and saw the man turn and start running at me. I felt intense fear and adrenaline as I woke up

2019-10-28 15:39:54 UTC  

had a dream that had a scene replay every time i woke up last night (2-3 times)
some lady with big tits was getting out of the pool but hair covered the nips, then it would replay with no hair

2019-10-28 15:39:55 UTC  

fuggin WEIRD

2019-10-29 02:17:17 UTC  

I had a dream the night before where

2019-10-29 02:17:22 UTC  

I was death

2019-10-29 02:17:25 UTC  

or the grim reaper

2019-10-29 02:17:31 UTC  

and I was going around with a hand scythe

2019-10-29 02:17:40 UTC  

slicing into white people's heads

2019-10-29 02:17:48 UTC  

and they wouldn't be injured

2019-10-29 02:17:52 UTC  

they were just instantly dead

2019-10-29 02:17:58 UTC  

and I felt rage for some reason

2019-10-29 02:18:10 UTC  

but only killed whites for some reason

2019-10-29 16:34:11 UTC  

I had a dream I was chasing down several people and biting their necks

2019-10-29 16:34:16 UTC  

It was very vivid