Message from @ikillu
Discord ID: 653812880713711626
i dont want to go to fucking e621
wow, see mods aren't fags when they don't want to be, they genocided all porn off /b/ they have the tech and resources to do anything
its like order 66
im sad now
if they can revive /b/ to what it was before it went 90% porn
this is the chance for /b/ to go back to the way it was
when they were able to mobilize thousands
/b/ has fallen
/b/ has risen
.yt stormtroopers who did not fight in order 66
oh god, you guys don't know
what /b/ was before the porn
furry board or riot
go there degens
hentai is shit
/b/ and /trash/ are the best places for furry porn
there are more boards, I just saw it and did a copy paste
speakin of which i need to get more lizard pics from trash
I shall join you
been slackin on getting jap petshop bros lizard pics
eliza is gf
also based snek
btw that is fake eliza
not drawn by vader san