Message from @Emma

Discord ID: 303336664476942339

2017-04-17 01:08:32 UTC  

the teacher did it

2017-04-17 01:08:36 UTC  

I have acne that drives me insane

2017-04-17 01:08:38 UTC  

I get acne anywhere I shave. Anywhere.

2017-04-17 01:08:42 UTC  

But I'm a teenager so it's expected for me

2017-04-17 01:08:50 UTC  

Do you drink milk? Nelexin?

2017-04-17 01:08:53 UTC  

It gives me away as male because the acne looks like a beard shadow.

2017-04-17 01:09:02 UTC  

Aww. ;-;

2017-04-17 01:09:02 UTC  

I found limitting dairy cured my acne

2017-04-17 01:09:21 UTC  

Not as much as I should and when I do it's chocolate milk

2017-04-17 01:09:35 UTC  

Acne on the neck is usually hormone related. That's whereI got it. And hormone therapy is helping. Just not as fast as I'd like.

2017-04-17 01:09:42 UTC  

They are giving me boobs pretty quickly.

2017-04-17 01:09:58 UTC  

Around the chin and mouth is ussually diet

2017-04-17 01:10:30 UTC  

Usually. But it's shaving in my case.

2017-04-17 01:10:55 UTC  

I want my boobs to go away

2017-04-17 01:11:03 UTC  

I frequently cut myself as I shave

2017-04-17 01:11:09 UTC  

It all started when I stopped letting a beard grow out. I kept one to hide this monstrosity.

2017-04-17 01:11:13 UTC  

I got it removed.

2017-04-17 01:11:16 UTC  

So now clean shave.

2017-04-17 01:11:17 UTC  

How come Cristy?

2017-04-17 01:11:22 UTC  

But acne everywhere I shave

2017-04-17 01:11:36 UTC  

It's a cyst that was filling up with blood. Just normal blood, it wasn't infected

2017-04-17 01:12:09 UTC  

I should probably try using cream

2017-04-17 01:12:22 UTC  

I just have always hated them. I had a rough puberty so I was on hormones when I was 12 and got really busty. I had a reduction last year but I still feel big

2017-04-17 01:12:36 UTC  

I literally couldn't shave because if I even slightly nicked that thing, blood gushed everywhere.

2017-04-17 01:12:53 UTC  


2017-04-17 01:12:58 UTC  

I finally got a new doctor when I decided to seek transistioning and he recognized that right away and offered to remove it.

2017-04-17 01:13:03 UTC  

ironic, someone I know irl wanted to get hers enlarged and did

2017-04-17 01:13:42 UTC  

In my case, big ones wouldn't be a bad thing because it'd make it much harder to mistake me for male.

2017-04-17 01:13:58 UTC  


2017-04-17 01:14:18 UTC  

Right now, even with clean shave, neck length hair, and C-cup boobs, I'm not getting the slightest hesitation in people calling me "sir" or "young man"

2017-04-17 01:15:04 UTC  

I'm already C-cup despite being only two-months into hormones because I already had some as a side effect from taking rispirdone as a teen

2017-04-17 01:15:08 UTC  

I'm a cis male but wouldn't mind trying an adrogynous look, ie Raiden from MGS2

2017-04-17 01:15:11 UTC  

Combined with my genetics.

2017-04-17 01:15:19 UTC  

We have big boobs in my family

2017-04-17 01:15:29 UTC  

Haha we have the opposite in mine

2017-04-17 01:16:27 UTC  

It makes me kinda frustrated because my only hope of having decent breasts is either plastic surgery (a definite no), estrogen, or giving birth

2017-04-17 01:16:33 UTC  

No thanks

2017-04-17 01:16:37 UTC  

I'm a C cup now but I was an F

2017-04-17 01:16:51 UTC  

I suddenly grew bigger boobs

2017-04-17 01:17:01 UTC  

Went from an A to a C

2017-04-17 01:17:11 UTC  

birth control I guess does that