Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 276937144453431297
Alright, go ahead.
Yeah, my mic is off, I apologize.
Ok, thanks.
I'm fine with it, but it's bad publicity.
Fair point.
You need attention, yes.
Alright, got it!
No problem.
Of course. I appreciate the advice. It's NSDAP
When they go low, we go lower, eh?
Sure, go ahead
because it's 4chan you fucking mong
what did you expect?
I think a few cities should be selected to create groups to work with police and counter antifa
Yep. I'm in Charlotte, NC, but it'll take some time to round up enough polacks here to find others in the region.
get more ppl in discord here
Edginess is necessary at first to gain attention, yes.
True, most are fairly centrist right now. Appeal to the portrayal of Antifa as thugs.
to get it off the ground it should at first be concentrated in like 3 locations in the us
I'll work on distribution tomorrow.
hello everyone
proposed symbol