Message from @TheArtOfTheFart

Discord ID: 591785943623794719

2019-06-21 15:25:37 UTC  
2019-06-21 20:58:23 UTC

2019-06-21 20:58:26 UTC  

So my dumbass got far into my onision pic before i realised you couldn't draw his face so I'll just drop it here before I permanently change it lmao

2019-06-21 20:59:19 UTC  

... i can confirm i recognised the onion

2019-06-21 21:12:01 UTC  

I cant recognize, no vegan/vegetarian body

2019-06-21 22:25:49 UTC

2019-06-21 22:25:53 UTC  

I cant zNdfjdfdf

2019-06-21 23:48:40 UTC

2019-06-21 23:48:59 UTC  

looks wonky but im just practicing

2019-06-21 23:52:44 UTC  

Just a wip

2019-06-21 23:53:35 UTC  

they look adorbLE

2019-06-21 23:53:47 UTC  

what else do u need to work on?

2019-06-21 23:59:48 UTC  

@Mew can i use that as my pfp im crying

2019-06-22 00:03:07 UTC  

@Drogie thank you💕
The skin, the mouth, the wings
And some details and stuff

2019-06-22 00:21:02 UTC  

(wip commission)

2019-06-22 00:24:08 UTC  

i really like the colours on these

2019-06-22 00:24:46 UTC  

thank you. u v u

2019-06-22 00:25:22 UTC  

welcome- you balance colour and value and separate shapes really well which is really cool with how many colours you work with

2019-06-22 00:25:56 UTC  

o ^ o ! (pauses to read that comment)

2019-06-22 00:26:03 UTC  

and thank you!

2019-06-22 00:26:07 UTC  


2019-06-22 00:28:14 UTC  

i like the uhhh i dont have the right words but figures are kind of pulling off from the black bg there if that makes sense? idk

2019-06-22 00:28:47 UTC  


2019-06-22 00:28:55 UTC  

I don't understand but ok!

2019-06-22 00:30:53 UTC  

i like the black background and how it feels like the characters you did are coming out of it- like- it has a lot of depth

2019-06-22 00:35:49 UTC  

oh! thank you

2019-06-22 00:35:55 UTC  

it's actually just my tumblr splash page

2019-06-22 00:36:02 UTC  

featuring various arts of mine

2019-06-22 00:36:14 UTC  

I made my own gfx as well, and designed the font

2019-06-22 00:36:50 UTC  

I needed something that would give people a preview of what I do when they click on my page link (shrugs)

2019-06-22 00:37:25 UTC  

WELCOME, and I had a feeling because of the other art you posted being nuzzled in there-
it's definitely a good advertisement for you as an artist, especially since you can design your own fonts gotdamn

2019-06-22 00:37:34 UTC  

thanksu. u v u

2019-06-22 00:37:48 UTC  


2019-06-22 00:38:05 UTC  

(high fives teh fabulous birb person) bless you

2019-06-22 00:39:34 UTC  

(high fives back, then finger guns)

2019-06-22 00:39:44 UTC  


2019-06-22 00:40:06 UTC  


2019-06-22 00:40:07 UTC  


2019-06-22 00:43:01 UTC  


2019-06-22 00:43:03 UTC  
