Message from @im in the middle of nowhere bruh

Discord ID: 547870755640311809

2019-02-20 19:56:22 UTC

2019-02-20 19:56:47 UTC  

he seems to be in favor of hapas

2019-02-20 19:56:51 UTC  

not whites

2019-02-20 19:56:57 UTC  

based on this quote

2019-02-20 19:57:25 UTC  

Yes he didn’t say it in a literal sense and was in the context of a topic

2019-02-20 19:57:46 UTC  

how can you be worth following if you are on the side of zimbabwe and not rhodesia

2019-02-20 19:57:46 UTC  

I can tell you get your political knowledge from memes and info graphs

2019-02-20 19:58:13 UTC  

lol, because you cash all your checks right? @im in the middle of nowhere bruh

2019-02-20 19:58:33 UTC  

every one has to base some of their knowledge on uncashed checks

2019-02-20 19:59:06 UTC  

there isn't enough time in the day to prove everything for yourself

2019-02-20 19:59:20 UTC  

Its okay man just let it all out

2019-02-20 19:59:36 UTC  

have you ever added to any conversation here @Orwell

2019-02-20 19:59:47 UTC  

that's not a response

2019-02-20 20:00:06 UTC  

@im in the middle of nowhere bruh how is the dugin quote out of context

2019-02-20 20:01:22 UTC  

Dugin is russian and a traditionalist for one thing

2019-02-20 20:01:35 UTC  

Yeah I’m not some super intelectual but at least I’m glad to say my political opinions are formed off of books instead of quick easy pictures of info

2019-02-20 20:01:38 UTC  

You should not think of him as an ally of the West

2019-02-20 20:01:52 UTC  

@im in the middle of nowhere bruh still waiting for how the quote is out of context

2019-02-20 20:02:00 UTC  

Which is where most of the worlds neoliberalism is concentrated

2019-02-20 20:02:20 UTC  

what is the correct context of being on the side of zimbabwe and not rhodesia

2019-02-20 20:02:47 UTC  

@HisNameisBrentonTarrant how about reading for once instead of coming here with your /pol/ tier knowledge

2019-02-20 20:02:47 UTC  

how do you see that quote as anything but non white unless it was out of context somehow and if so how

2019-02-20 20:02:56 UTC  

you are the one with a nazbol tag

2019-02-20 20:03:00 UTC  

that is why I brought it up

2019-02-20 20:03:16 UTC  

if you are so well read why is this question so hard for you to answer

2019-02-20 20:03:30 UTC  

it must be a common question for nazbol ppl

2019-02-20 20:05:32 UTC  

"Yes he didn’t say it in a literal sense and was in the context of a topic" this isn't really much of an answer, it doesn't tell me anything further than you saying it is out of context

2019-02-20 20:05:35 UTC  

out of context how

2019-02-20 20:05:46 UTC  

how is what he said not literal

2019-02-20 20:06:25 UTC  

Well if I remember correctly it wasn’t him exactly who was saying it. He was talking in the sense of what the average westerner would say and how backwards it is.

2019-02-20 20:06:37 UTC  

Let my try to find the actual article

2019-02-20 20:06:41 UTC  

ok that makes more sense

2019-02-20 20:07:09 UTC  

if you can't recall then I would have to find the source and read some of that section where the quote is taken from

2019-02-20 20:07:40 UTC  

@im in the middle of nowhere bruh if I got all my information from memes and infographs, then why would I even ask you about this? 😉

2019-02-20 20:08:52 UTC  

Because I can’t recall how many times that quote was brought up whenever dugin was mentioned back when I used to go on pol

2019-02-20 20:09:28 UTC  

someone on discord brought it up to me a few days ago

2019-02-20 20:09:43 UTC  

idk why the origin really matters

2019-02-20 20:10:01 UTC  

The quote itself was made a lot time ago

2019-02-20 20:10:28 UTC  

Dugin revised his stance on the West after recent events like Trump election and France protests

2019-02-20 20:10:56 UTC  

Yeah he used to be a firm believer that the east would save the west