Message from @Shiba Inu
Discord ID: 554885338917765130
@FreshWholeMilk You will type faster on a physical keyboard than on a glass one
Also, you have a gay old macbook with a hard drive in it
Imagine still having a hard drive in 2019
and not having an SSD
I dunno what an SSD is
big flash drive
No, he'll take it literally
What does a flash drive do again?
it loads files directly to your brain
I doubt that
It gets you laid and jacks you off
insert it into your rectum and wait 30 seconds
Does it have to do with Adobe Flash Player?
@FreshWholeMilk SSD's don't use revolving or moving parts like a hard drive does
and they are much faster than hard drives
My PC boots in 4 seconds
to windows login
I see. So like a hard drive bit in the computer itself
But I have an m.2 SSD
SSD's typically plug into the SATA port, which a hard drive goes into
I remember them being big square things
That you plug in
m.2 drives dont use SATA, though
and are faster than regular ssds
2 bigbrained 4 me
It's simple
you use it just like a hard drive
Except it's way faster
(SSHDs are hybrid drives, like a hard drive/ssd two in one)
What’s the rectangular hard drive that you plug into the computer?
An external drive
When my dad used to pirate movies he would store them on one of those
He is using an external drive
I don’t use it
He is plugging it into a USB port
External drives plug into USB