Message from @Trinity

Discord ID: 250742853326733312

2016-11-22 21:58:34 UTC  

I thought you meant you got like full hairs daily

2016-11-22 21:58:42 UTC  

They make them up for attention that's why.

2016-11-22 21:58:48 UTC  

To earn oppression points.

2016-11-22 21:58:58 UTC  


2016-11-22 21:59:02 UTC  


2016-11-22 21:59:03 UTC  

Ordinary trans don't get enough oppression points now that they get more recognition.

2016-11-22 21:59:05 UTC  

Sad times. Do you think they will grow out of it?

2016-11-22 21:59:08 UTC  

reminds me of that hannibal movie about the guy who wants to be a red dragon

2016-11-22 21:59:21 UTC  

So making fake genders gives you something to complain about not being recognized, so more oppression points.

2016-11-22 21:59:39 UTC  

It actually very pitiable.

2016-11-22 21:59:40 UTC  

People like this never grow out of it.

2016-11-22 21:59:40 UTC  

Maybe they will. Then they'll start identifying as Muslims.

2016-11-22 21:59:41 UTC  

Use Your Oppression Points to gain great prizes from the DNC!

2016-11-22 22:00:14 UTC  

I don't think muslims are too nice with the trans people lol

2016-11-22 22:00:33 UTC  

They're just trying to name points along the transitional process, and it's entirely asinine. Especially when it's gender and not biological sex being questioned at that point.

2016-11-22 22:01:31 UTC  

There are enough tools to map and "measure" sex. The only thing that seems to exist for gender (non-binary) is a dartboard.

2016-11-22 22:01:33 UTC  

non-binary genderfluid demiboy

2016-11-22 22:01:59 UTC  

They make it sound like they're channeling spirits

2016-11-22 22:02:00 UTC  

the vast majority of the terms they make up are just asinine ways of restating "non-binary"

2016-11-22 22:02:15 UTC  

Which I don't think is really real to begin with.

2016-11-22 22:02:34 UTC  

Well gender identity is determined by brain structure

2016-11-22 22:02:39 UTC  

If you're really trans, then non-binary is just a state of your acceptance that you're trans. And it's at the point where you have not accepted it.

2016-11-22 22:02:43 UTC  

people can have aberrant brain structure

2016-11-22 22:02:46 UTC  

hence trans

2016-11-22 22:03:00 UTC  

The world they want is a fucking dystopia

2016-11-22 22:03:10 UTC  

the fucking language sounds just like one

2016-11-22 22:03:20 UTC  

Those poor, poor brain cells.Being tortured in a brain like that.

2016-11-22 22:03:40 UTC  


2016-11-22 22:03:53 UTC  

Unless you get brain damage later in life, you're pretty much born trans

2016-11-22 22:04:05 UTC  

This is how I see it. Genders: 2 Sexes: 3 There are guys and girls. Sex wise, there are Males, Females, And Intersex (which is rare, but is a real thing). If you wanna go from one gender to the other, sure go ahead. If you wanna do your best to go from one sex to the other, then good luck, but I won't judge. In the end, so as long as you don't cram it in people's face and go all SJW about it we're cool.

2016-11-22 22:04:06 UTC  

Although I believe like 20% of schizophrenics has delusions related to gender

2016-11-22 22:04:17 UTC  

I knew from a very, very early age.

2016-11-22 22:04:23 UTC  

Three years old.

2016-11-22 22:04:31 UTC  

Maybe we should've let the Muslims in, Just to watch those vapid SJW cunts bleed in the street

2016-11-22 22:04:32 UTC  

Not that I understood what anything I was feeling meant.

2016-11-22 22:04:36 UTC  

But I knew something was wrong.

2016-11-22 22:04:56 UTC  

ho,l up

2016-11-22 22:05:01 UTC  

Im changing my mic

2016-11-22 22:05:07 UTC  

(Jk that's massively fucked up)

2016-11-22 22:05:41 UTC  

how's Watch Dogs 2??

2016-11-22 22:05:51 UTC  

Nah fam you right