Message from @daniel 1

Discord ID: 261587856303194112

2016-12-22 20:13:02 UTC  

and he said he would talk to him

2016-12-22 20:13:15 UTC  

he was with someone and he asked if I was snitching

2016-12-22 20:13:29 UTC  

and my older friend said that someone was bullying me

2016-12-22 20:13:42 UTC  

and I asked my friend not to mention me

2016-12-22 20:13:58 UTC  

Hit him in the lips

2016-12-22 20:13:59 UTC  

I'm real worried

2016-12-22 20:14:04 UTC  

As hard as you can

2016-12-22 20:14:20 UTC  

If that bully finds out I told some people

2016-12-22 20:14:22 UTC  

I'm dead

2016-12-22 20:14:29 UTC  

dont be puss puss

2016-12-22 20:14:34 UTC  

I'm seriously dead

2016-12-22 20:14:43 UTC  

He might beat you up but he wont risk getting his lips busted again

2016-12-22 20:14:53 UTC  

bring knife

2016-12-22 20:14:57 UTC  

I'll be a puss puss if the guy seems unhinged enough to bring a fucking gun to school

2016-12-22 20:15:25 UTC  

Naw bullies are bitches. Just bust his lips

2016-12-22 20:15:58 UTC  

and If I do bust his lips, I'll lose a fucking eye when he drives a sharp pencil through it

2016-12-22 20:16:30 UTC  

is he white

2016-12-22 20:16:32 UTC  

he stabbed me before, I just know he would stab me in the Eye

2016-12-22 20:16:38 UTC  

oh yea, really white

2016-12-22 20:16:43 UTC  


2016-12-22 20:16:45 UTC  


2016-12-22 20:16:53 UTC  

Naw just cover your face and take the lumps

2016-12-22 20:16:54 UTC  

where I live he woulda got killed

2016-12-22 20:17:21 UTC  

he said something about Jews today

2016-12-22 20:17:31 UTC  

threatened to hit someone

2016-12-22 20:17:41 UTC  

Said how nobody is safe

2016-12-22 20:17:47 UTC  

Make sure you hit hard enough to bust his lips tho

2016-12-22 20:18:10 UTC  

Kids these days amirite

2016-12-22 20:18:16 UTC  


2016-12-22 20:18:16 UTC  


2016-12-22 20:18:29 UTC  

am I the kid or is my bully the kid?

2016-12-22 20:18:39 UTC  

how old r u babe

2016-12-22 20:18:43 UTC  

Both unless you stand up to him

2016-12-22 20:19:04 UTC  

One day as a lion is worth a thousand as a lamb

2016-12-22 20:19:41 UTC  

so, just bust him right in the face

2016-12-22 20:20:01 UTC  


2016-12-22 20:20:04 UTC  


2016-12-22 20:20:09 UTC  

make urslef a threat to him beb

2016-12-22 20:20:14 UTC  


2016-12-22 20:20:17 UTC  

Don't say a word

2016-12-22 20:20:20 UTC  

Onision is a cuck