Message from @Thresh

Discord ID: 291093755233042433

2017-03-14 06:20:49 UTC  

I mean, BOTW is open world

2017-03-14 06:20:50 UTC  


2017-03-14 06:20:54 UTC  

Mario will be open world

2017-03-14 06:20:57 UTC  

the switch is kinda a console

2017-03-14 06:21:01 UTC  

they would probably just make a non main legue badge set

2017-03-14 06:21:06 UTC  

so it would be the first mainstream console game

2017-03-14 06:21:10 UTC  

the switch is kinda shit

2017-03-14 06:21:11 UTC  

they could hardreset the game

2017-03-14 06:21:18 UTC  


2017-03-14 06:21:31 UTC  

I like my Switch more than my PS4 or Xbox One tbh

2017-03-14 06:21:37 UTC  

I'd like to see a remake of the original games

2017-03-14 06:21:42 UTC  

thats like... just my opinion, man

2017-03-14 06:21:57 UTC  

Your opinion has no reasoning

2017-03-14 06:22:03 UTC  

I like my PC more than my PS4 and my Switch

2017-03-14 06:22:18 UTC  

dude i've been begging my dad to let me try and trade my xbox for a switch

2017-03-14 06:22:21 UTC  

The switch has a soft plastic screen hahaha

2017-03-14 06:22:24 UTC  

he won't let me lol

2017-03-14 06:22:31 UTC  

@Springband it has reasoning, yet it does not require because its an opinion, not an argument

2017-03-14 06:22:37 UTC  

_tips fedora_

2017-03-14 06:22:38 UTC  

Maybe if you aren't retarded it won't get scratched

2017-03-14 06:22:39 UTC  

That's so 2007

2017-03-14 06:23:12 UTC  

maybe if nintendo werent retarded, they would use GG

2017-03-14 06:23:13 UTC  

It's as easy as saying "I played the device, and it was not very fun in my experience

2017-03-14 06:23:36 UTC  

I wish it wouldn't get fingerprints though

2017-03-14 06:23:47 UTC  

What would you call the third person you have in gta 5

2017-03-14 06:23:56 UTC  

like pokemon games have a top to bottom

2017-03-14 06:24:01 UTC  

its more of a "The experience is great enough, but the device has multiple hardware oversights and pricing issues"

2017-03-14 06:24:12 UTC  

I forgot GTA 5 was third person

2017-03-14 06:24:20 UTC  

I'd like to see the kinda 3d they have in gta 5, in a pokemon game

2017-03-14 06:24:20 UTC  

The first person is shit

2017-03-14 06:24:24 UTC  

I play it strictly in first person

2017-03-14 06:24:27 UTC  

@Wangataro Faggot

2017-03-14 06:24:31 UTC  

i don't really like the pokemon third person

2017-03-14 06:24:34 UTC  

GTA isn't meant to be a first person game

2017-03-14 06:24:35 UTC  
2017-03-14 06:24:35 UTC  

At all

2017-03-14 06:24:48 UTC  

Gorilla Glass with opleophobic coating would reduce the fingerprints for some time

2017-03-14 06:25:07 UTC  

Do you work to be an ass or this natural?

2017-03-14 06:25:15 UTC  

honestly first person doesn't work

2017-03-14 06:25:20 UTC  

it feels like a gimic for the remakes

2017-03-14 06:25:23 UTC  

It does imo