Message from @Emma

Discord ID: 293987881591242753

2017-03-22 05:54:26 UTC  

Every time I've failed to sleep enough before a big test, I've done exceptionally well on that test.

2017-03-22 05:55:40 UTC  

What is sleep?

2017-03-22 05:55:53 UTC  

Those lies i'm being told

2017-03-22 05:56:33 UTC  

Why are we here

2017-03-22 05:56:48 UTC  

Y not

2017-03-22 05:56:54 UTC  

Is the question

2017-03-22 05:57:31 UTC  

Not that that is saying much, I always did very well on tests.

2017-03-22 05:57:40 UTC  

Without studying.

2017-03-22 05:57:53 UTC  

Because it's my philosophy that studying is essentially cheating.

2017-03-22 05:58:10 UTC  

Then how does one learn the material than?

2017-03-22 05:58:40 UTC  

The point of school is to learn things that you retain for the rest of your life. If you need to refesh the information and hold it only long enough to get the grade, you're not actually learning and you won't leave school keeping that knowledge.

2017-03-22 05:59:20 UTC  

You learn the information, you don't "study it" shortly before a test to just hold it long enough to finish it.

2017-03-22 05:59:44 UTC  

People call it studying, devaluing that word, to make it feel less like a cheat.

2017-03-22 06:00:26 UTC  

Tests are supposed to... test you... for what you've retained over a period of time.

2017-03-22 06:00:54 UTC  

If you go over the information the day before, then you really are not honoring what the test is supposed to be about and you're cheating the system.

2017-03-22 06:01:19 UTC  

Then how does one learn the material than?

2017-03-22 06:01:55 UTC  

By the time you have a test, you should know it already.

2017-03-22 06:02:10 UTC  

You learn it by going over the material when it's first given to you.

2017-03-22 06:02:16 UTC  

Not immediately before a test.

2017-03-22 06:02:34 UTC  

If you do so, you won't hold onto it.

2017-03-22 06:02:53 UTC  

After a few weeks you'll have forgotten most of it and it won't serve you later in life.

2017-03-22 06:03:11 UTC  

You can get a degree and know remember very little about its subject.

2017-03-22 06:03:38 UTC  

People mock my method on this all the time. Yet it got me exceptionally high test scores.

2017-03-22 06:04:04 UTC  

And able to get these scores on command without needing to go over the material again immediately before.

2017-03-22 06:06:05 UTC  

Tell me.

2017-03-22 06:06:24 UTC  

Would you rather have a doctor who knows what to do when you're dying, or one that has to go look it up because they can't remember?

2017-03-22 06:10:08 UTC  

I could be a math teacher. :D
With these methods I could have much better students than other math teachers.

2017-03-22 06:12:17 UTC  

*omg can you tutor me*

2017-03-22 06:13:27 UTC  

I'm a strict teacher.

2017-03-22 06:13:49 UTC  

I won't give you the answer. And I'l try to get you to learn the process you need to figure it out.

2017-03-22 06:17:48 UTC  

Emma you're bae af Lolz

2017-03-22 06:18:31 UTC  

Hi I'm new here, I tend to agree with what you're saying, unfortunitly most people could care less about information aquisition and just want to pass in order to either get into a "well paying job" or to satisfy their parents. I think the best reason for education is a desire to improve one's self.

2017-03-22 06:19:30 UTC  

*Emma where have you been all my life :'(*

2017-03-22 06:20:35 UTC  

*cough more like a desire to die :^((*

2017-03-22 06:21:24 UTC  

You're not going to get a well paying job if you don't do this.

2017-03-22 06:22:03 UTC  

Just having the degree is not going to get you that job. Most people my age and younger these days have to get a minimum wage job that doesn't require a degree and are unable to use the degree they earned.

2017-03-22 06:22:19 UTC  

And if you do manage to get the job in your field, you'll start out at the bottom, where the pay is terrible.

2017-03-22 06:22:42 UTC  

And if you don't know the material, because you just crammed to get through tests, you're never going to be promoted out of that low position.

2017-03-22 06:24:43 UTC  

And it depends on what your degree is, once you're out of college you're most likely not going to get the job that you originally wanted to get in the first place.

2017-03-22 06:25:29 UTC  

Typically the only degrees that give you a good shot at being hired directly from the college are ones earned from colleges that are exceptionally difficult to get into with incredibly high tuition costs.

2017-03-22 06:25:41 UTC  

So you basically have to already be wealthy to have that guarentee.