Message from @Augustus

Discord ID: 550874713446940672

2019-03-01 02:52:16 UTC  

Not bait, just putting my thoughts into memes

2019-03-01 02:52:38 UTC  

This is why you have the clown town role

2019-03-01 02:52:51 UTC  

So be it

2019-03-01 02:53:01 UTC  

clowns are funny because they tell the truth

2019-03-01 02:53:18 UTC  

clowns are funny because they punch themselves in the balls

2019-03-01 02:54:30 UTC  

I was more thinking jester

2019-03-01 02:54:37 UTC  

maybe I am a discount jester

2019-03-01 02:54:51 UTC  

that sounds closer lmao

2019-03-01 02:55:11 UTC  

I mean he isn't necessarily incorrect, is he? If I had the choice between committing to baking many batches of cookies 24/7, I'd toss trannies and blacks to work higher then minimum wage and be happy eating all these delicious cookies, even go on a roller coaster ride.

2019-03-01 02:55:59 UTC  

Doesn't matter if the tranny is white or black tbh, its societally degrative period. I'd actually probably give them to Israel, as they so-love diversity

2019-03-01 02:56:24 UTC  

The thing is that it's whites that are the issue

2019-03-01 02:56:30 UTC  

therefore, kill whitey

2019-03-01 02:56:38 UTC  


2019-03-01 02:57:19 UTC  

I mean its clearly not just whites that are the issue, what about the Arab/ Asian rape gangs in England?

2019-03-01 02:57:20 UTC  

The degeneracy that white men and women are prone to is apparent to all of us, but that doesn't mean we aren't worth saving, or that we aren't still the greatest race on earth. There is an undercurrent of degeneracy in every civilization, and only in modern times has it bled onto the surface. We traditionalists and fascists want to push degeneracy back down where it belongs.

2019-03-01 02:57:46 UTC  

That includes removing the cult of celebrity by the way

2019-03-01 02:58:07 UTC  

performers should not be respected members of society

2019-03-01 02:58:24 UTC  

Them raping us is good for them. Whites let it happen

2019-03-01 02:58:46 UTC  

It's entirely whites fault

2019-03-01 02:58:53 UTC  

I agree with that, but I'd say its hopeless too try and save purely morally degenerative people. I think that's the white pathological altruism speaking

2019-03-01 02:59:26 UTC  

No, I was saying hardcore degens should be removed from the public sphere so they can't infect the rest of us

2019-03-01 03:00:02 UTC  

Alright, just checking lol.

2019-03-01 03:00:09 UTC  

The thing is that you can say that, but that never means you will be in a position to put the genie back in the bottle

2019-03-01 03:00:32 UTC  

Isn't that the same argument used against whites for participating in slavery?

2019-03-01 03:00:48 UTC  

the ETERNAL white mans burden?

2019-03-01 03:01:06 UTC  

"Because "X" whites did this "X" ago this means current whites deserve what they are getting?"

2019-03-01 03:01:22 UTC  

People do deserve what they get though

2019-03-01 03:01:23 UTC  

yeah, it's an argument that deprives all nonwhites of agency

2019-03-01 03:01:26 UTC  

Whites deserve this

2019-03-01 03:01:34 UTC  

the cognitive dissonance is next level

2019-03-01 03:02:21 UTC  

Sure, a Rapist deserves the death penalty, but that's essentally condemnation of an entire race for past mistakes current day people of that race have 0 say in

2019-03-01 03:02:53 UTC  

Should whites take 1.4 million African slaves as punishment for the enslavement of Christians in the 14th Century then?

2019-03-01 03:03:18 UTC  

I don't think we have some sort of cosmic bad karma

2019-03-01 03:03:23 UTC  

I just think we are stupid

2019-03-01 03:03:37 UTC  

Okay, so when does "deserve what they get" stop? 10 generations? 5? 15?

2019-03-01 03:03:55 UTC  

Whenever whites stop killing themselves

2019-03-01 03:04:11 UTC  

It takes constant attention to be this suicidal

2019-03-01 03:04:52 UTC  

protip: they arent gonna stop

2019-03-01 03:05:25 UTC  

We are stupid. We are far too trusting, far to altruistic, and far too carefree. Look at the west- it is a prime example of white greatness and our greatest faults

2019-03-01 03:06:29 UTC  

You can't save a crazy man hellbent on destruction

2019-03-01 03:06:43 UTC  

But that still doesn't mean we don't deserve agency, or the ability to collectivize racially. It doesn't mean we shouldn't have a say in our future, a future for white children- a future for our race