Message from @Emma

Discord ID: 288589255436009472

2017-03-07 07:41:20 UTC  

deer burgers

2017-03-07 07:50:35 UTC  

The bro melon with the flash 20 even

2017-03-07 07:50:40 UTC  

Very lucky. Both that someone found fim before a mountain lion did and that it didn't paralyze him. There's a family friend of ours that was paralyzed in an accident just like that.

2017-03-07 08:19:19 UTC  

Good thing I decided to wait. I've been hearing so much disappointment in it.

2017-03-07 08:20:21 UTC  

I think I'll get one when that sweet ass mario game comes out

2017-03-07 08:22:17 UTC  

They'll have no choice but to do a second model with how bad this one is. Better to wait for that.

2017-03-07 08:22:33 UTC  

yeah the mario game probably wont be out until next year

2017-03-07 08:22:40 UTC  

The screen..... is terrrible. And very quickly will be scratched by its own dock.

2017-03-07 08:23:14 UTC  

The pegs that keep the joycons in place wear down extremely fast and can be broken with very little force.

2017-03-07 08:23:59 UTC  

And the hardware inside seems to fail and some have been defective out of the box.

2017-03-07 08:24:19 UTC  

The system also has a lot of trouble recognizing you even have a game inserted.

2017-03-07 08:25:39 UTC  

And a lot of the time performance is worse when docked than in portable mode. The exact opposite of what it should be.

2017-03-07 08:27:14 UTC  

well while that does sound pretty bad, modern systems in general seem to have problems right out of the box

2017-03-07 08:27:26 UTC  

this is kind of strange though because it is nintendo

2017-03-07 08:27:31 UTC  

they generally tend to have a quality product

2017-03-07 08:28:51 UTC  

This is.... by far the worst launch I've seen this century.

2017-03-07 08:30:03 UTC  

The Xbox 360's main problem is that it had overheating problems, causing the infamous red ring of death.. But that often took months to happen. While people mistakenly believe it was exclusive to the 360, the Wii and PS3 had the exact same problem with the exact same rate of occurance. This was fixed in current gen systems.

2017-03-07 08:30:24 UTC  

The XB1's bad launch was policy based, not hardware and software.

2017-03-07 08:30:40 UTC  

The GCN/PS2/Xbox had great launches.

2017-03-07 08:32:29 UTC  


2017-03-07 08:32:45 UTC  

hopefully that will force nintendo to release a revised version

2017-03-07 08:32:51 UTC  

I dont understand nintendo at this point

2017-03-07 08:33:19 UTC  

I played devil's advocate for them in the months leading up to the switch release and now I feel like an asshole for it

2017-03-07 08:33:50 UTC  

Their damn hardware gimmicks they're completely obsessed with always come back and bite them in the ass every single time.

2017-03-07 08:34:49 UTC  

They have enough money to wait and build a good machine

2017-03-07 08:34:53 UTC  

I don't get why they didn't

2017-03-07 08:35:03 UTC  

they could have coasted on the 3DS for another year

2017-03-07 08:36:50 UTC  

yeah that's something I don't like about the newer systems nintendo has released

2017-03-07 08:36:57 UTC  

I'm tired of gimmicky controllers

2017-03-07 08:37:04 UTC  

just give me a regular controller

2017-03-07 08:37:53 UTC  

they could build a more powerful machine but instead they opt for some gimmick

2017-03-07 08:39:02 UTC  

they don't want to compete with sony or microsoft for the same stagnating audience

2017-03-07 08:39:24 UTC  

I wouldn't mind the gimmicks all so much if they weren't so half baked

2017-03-07 08:39:33 UTC  

and poorly rolled out

2017-03-07 08:40:02 UTC  

They are capable of keeping the gimmicks reigned in. Like they did with te 3DS. They just don't seem to be able to contain themselves with their consoles.

2017-03-07 08:40:24 UTC  

It's always some stupid control gimmick and cripples the console in some way.

2017-03-07 08:41:25 UTC  

The Wii sold well but it was absolutely horrible for selling games because the overwhelming majority of Wii owners never bought a single game beyond the games it was bundled with and most of those only used the system a few times before becoming a paperweight they never used again.

2017-03-07 08:42:02 UTC  

Their pandering to the casual appeal to a ridiculous extreme backfired on them badly.

2017-03-07 08:42:49 UTC  

Hopefully the next iteration of the switch isn't such a mess