Message from @Emma

Discord ID: 288593342663622656

2017-03-07 08:36:57 UTC  

I'm tired of gimmicky controllers

2017-03-07 08:37:04 UTC  

just give me a regular controller

2017-03-07 08:37:53 UTC  

they could build a more powerful machine but instead they opt for some gimmick

2017-03-07 08:39:02 UTC  

they don't want to compete with sony or microsoft for the same stagnating audience

2017-03-07 08:39:24 UTC  

I wouldn't mind the gimmicks all so much if they weren't so half baked

2017-03-07 08:39:33 UTC  

and poorly rolled out

2017-03-07 08:40:02 UTC  

They are capable of keeping the gimmicks reigned in. Like they did with te 3DS. They just don't seem to be able to contain themselves with their consoles.

2017-03-07 08:40:24 UTC  

It's always some stupid control gimmick and cripples the console in some way.

2017-03-07 08:41:25 UTC  

The Wii sold well but it was absolutely horrible for selling games because the overwhelming majority of Wii owners never bought a single game beyond the games it was bundled with and most of those only used the system a few times before becoming a paperweight they never used again.

2017-03-07 08:42:02 UTC  

Their pandering to the casual appeal to a ridiculous extreme backfired on them badly.

2017-03-07 08:42:49 UTC  

Hopefully the next iteration of the switch isn't such a mess

2017-03-07 08:42:52 UTC  

So many regard the Wii as a resounding success when really it was a crippling failure that marked the company's turning point they have still not recovered from and it's only getting worse with each new system.

2017-03-07 08:43:48 UTC  

What's the point of selling a lot of systems if the people who bought them won't buy games?

2017-03-07 08:44:27 UTC  

The profit margins on the systems themselves are not that large (but absolutely are never at a loss despite what some might try to tell you), but all that goes to Nintendo. Game developers get nothing.

2017-03-07 08:45:08 UTC  

It was an extremely unattractive system for developers and publishers because the consumer base, of customers that'd actually buy games, was incredibly small compared to the PS3 and 360.

2017-03-07 08:45:36 UTC  

Then add to that how painfully difficult it was to code games to use the Wii Remote.

2017-03-07 08:45:59 UTC  

And the icing on the cake was how Nintendo treated third parties like shit.

2017-03-07 08:46:04 UTC  

And most of the only good uses for the thing were covered by crap shovelware

2017-03-07 08:46:38 UTC  

The GameCube was their last real, successful console.

2017-03-07 08:46:43 UTC  

you should work for nintendo, emma 😀

2017-03-07 08:46:54 UTC  

That wouldn't help.

2017-03-07 08:47:11 UTC  

well at least there will be one reasonable voice

2017-03-07 08:47:14 UTC  

Nintendo of Japan doesn't listen to its branches in other countries.

2017-03-07 08:47:24 UTC  

yeah I've heard that before

2017-03-07 08:47:51 UTC  

It's kind of a stretch to call the gamecube a success don't you think

2017-03-07 08:48:12 UTC  

They are actually an extremely conservative company in Japan and conservatives in Japan don't like and don't trust foreigners, regarding them as small children who need to be handheld through everything that can't be a source of useful information.

2017-03-07 08:48:28 UTC  

Maybe, but compared to all systems since, it faired far better.

2017-03-07 08:48:39 UTC  

in the games department sure

2017-03-07 08:48:47 UTC  

Nothing like the glory days of the NES and SNES

2017-03-07 08:48:52 UTC  

Well that way of thinking seems to be working out for them

2017-03-07 08:48:55 UTC  

gamecube was the last ninty console with a good library

2017-03-07 08:49:54 UTC  

The GameCube was their last home system with substansial third party support. But it had already been diminishing since the SNES ended.

2017-03-07 08:50:29 UTC  

Their antics aside, the main reason was actually just that they treated third parties so horribly.

2017-03-07 08:50:38 UTC  

That attitude I mentioned them having about foriegners....

2017-03-07 08:51:08 UTC  

Yeah that extends to developers, AND in context they use the same line of thinking for other Japanese developers too because it's not them.

2017-03-07 08:51:31 UTC  

They are just so terrible to them and no one really likes working with them.

2017-03-07 08:52:00 UTC  

So when Sony made a more open and accepting platform, to developers, with the Playstation, that really was it for Nintendo and third parties.

2017-03-07 08:52:10 UTC  

Support has been declining ever since.

2017-03-07 08:53:12 UTC  


2017-03-07 08:54:15 UTC  

It's too bad

2017-03-07 08:54:20 UTC  

I think the switch is really cool on paper