Message from @A Person

Discord ID: 309361609753624578

2017-05-03 16:06:37 UTC  

This gender shit didn't exist 5 years ago

2017-05-03 16:06:59 UTC  

oooh.... yeah.

2017-05-03 16:07:34 UTC  

And it's basically trendy to be LGBT

2017-05-03 16:08:01 UTC  

I once followed a page on FB called have a gay day

2017-05-03 16:08:20 UTC  

It's not a stupid argument when it is happening right fucking now

2017-05-03 16:08:36 UTC  

Just wait till the left is pushing for pedo equality, I give it 8 years

2017-05-03 16:09:14 UTC  

I wouldn't be surprised if Justin Tredue tries that in four months

I bet we'll see a suprising ammount of support for diddling kids.

2017-05-03 16:09:32 UTC  

This is why it's better if gay marriage isn't legally recognized

2017-05-03 16:09:37 UTC  

It *is* a slippery slope

.. the fuck does being gay have to do with pedophilia?

I've known over a dozen homosexuals and many more lesbians in my life, not a single one... okay, maybe one, but of the rest of the few dozen of them, no pedophiles.

I've known more heterosexuals that would\did diddle kids than homosexuals.

2017-05-03 16:11:34 UTC  

Alright, because this tumblr gender shit, being LGBT being trendy among teenagers, ect. was happening back in 2008

By a long shot actually.

I wouldn't say lgbt is trendy...

2017-05-03 16:12:06 UTC  

That's likely because there are more heterosexuals, but if you look at the percentages I'm pretty sure homosexuals are more attracted to youngers

2017-05-03 16:12:09 UTC  

It is

2017-05-03 16:12:12 UTC  

so, someone here is against gay marriage?

2017-05-03 16:12:16 UTC  


2017-05-03 16:12:35 UTC  

But to be fair, some people are doing it to be trendy, wanting labels and all.

*What fucking percentages are you seeing that tell you homosexuals are more attracted to people younger than themselves\under the age of consent*

I need to see this for my self.

Gimme da sauce boss

2017-05-03 16:13:49 UTC  

Ya true being gay or bi or lesbian is trendy now

2017-05-03 16:14:13 UTC  

I'm not saying that everyone who is is just doing it for the trend.

2017-05-03 16:14:30 UTC  

But, there are people out there who do it to be part of the trend or fad so to say, trying to be different.

2017-05-03 16:14:33 UTC  

I am trying to find it

Being Gay, bi or Lesbian is easier because more and more lgbts are taking the risk of coming out, and forming communities where such people can have a voice, so more and more feel comfortable coming out with their traditionally shuned sexuality. *And THEN it started to become trendy*

2017-05-03 16:15:29 UTC  

wait... I'm having trouble keeping up.

But I garan-damn-tee you a huge majority of homosexuals(and lesbians) are Actual homosexuals, and were, before it was *trendy*

And come out because they feel safer and more supported to do so

2017-05-03 16:16:18 UTC  

I've talked with multiple gays and they've said that the LGBT is shit

2017-05-03 16:16:30 UTC  

Some of them even not supporting gay marriage themselves

I highly doubt you're talking to a lot of LGBTs.

2017-05-03 16:16:56 UTC  

I understand, but there are those people who just do it for the trend that slanders their name. And then those who come up with weird youtube shows...

2017-05-03 16:17:01 UTC  

I find the LGBT community are just a bunch of attention seekers

2017-05-03 16:17:04 UTC  

Like Queer Kid Stuff.

2017-05-03 16:17:09 UTC  


You don't come accross as the open minded sort of individual homosexuals feel safe confiding in.

2017-05-03 16:17:31 UTC  

Who are you referring to if I may ask?