Message from @Tom Bombadil
Discord ID: 498927027286441984
@everyone Roll call is now open.
@Tom Bombadil you're on
@mattforney I have a bone to pick with you.
Give me a heads up tho since I will need to mess with the mic
@mattforney Sorry my phone is about to die. But I considered what I wrote in my essay and I used some things like deconstruction and psychoanalytic theory when analyzing victor Frankenstein
@I.Anon you're up next
@everyone Roll call is now open.
Can I get in on this?
Roll call
Roll call
@everyone Roll call is open.
@ec89 you're on
@mattforney had problems with the mute
@everyone Roll call is now open.
@everyone Roll call is now open.
roll call
how about a biscuit call?
@Beckert you're on
I was just making a joke I don’t wanna call in
sorry Matt. first time using Discord
think i'm unmuted
@anon you're on
@Tom Bombadil you're next, get ready
Ok I have a question
@Tom Bombadil you're on
@everyone roll call is open
@ec89 you will be on in 30 seconds
Hey problems with the mute
@mattforney I'm good now
@everyone Roll call is now open.
@mattforney One moment gotta take a piss.
Matt matt! did the NPC's get you?
@mattforney Would like to join back in