Message from @Ionescu Anonimescu
Discord ID: 443535108516085771
like in Weird Science
@mattforney i remember houllebecq writing a lot about this. a society where the pretty and normal ppl fuck like rabbits and these outcasts see it and cannot participate
in earlier societies that did not focus primarily on rampant fucking this was fine
I'm gonna do an analysis of Whatever for Terror House when I start it up next week
since I just re-read it
that would be great
@mattforney I'm pretty sure avoiding gay sex makes one 80% of the way to according AIDs. According blacks is only 20%, and even then waiting for marriage or avoiding promiscuity would make sex with blacks pretty safe.
the whole incel thing is gonna end up in a backlash like the metoo movement. I say good, let them go full retard on normies. Nothing red pills the normies faster than leftists themselves
will someone jump into the party line room with me so i can test if my mic is working?
how do you call in?
Larkin Love is a cunt for getting an episode of the bad pr0n comedy hour DMCA'd on Pornhub.
That is all.
@mattforney dean esmay says his mic is working now
Great show.
@Jimmy bob ? The guy who got his ass raped by Metokur? Holy shit. lol 😂
@Gratowl it's actually Bernard Chapin
I got excited there for a second. lol
I'm also not really Rehab Reject. It's some poor guy I'm imitating on Twitter.
sent Nick Fuentes a Streamlabs tip to promote my site and YouTube channel lol
let's see if he reads it
Richard Spencer confirmed for broke bitch
Yeah he read it.
Nick read my comment
let's see if I get some extra subs
American Gadfly uses this strategy to promote his channel
you should advertise on kumite as well like gadfly
Kumite takes Streamlabs, right?
I tried to send Nick a Super Chat, but the system wouldn't let me put in URLs.
i honestly don't know. All I know is that gadfly asked tonka before advertising and they were ok with it.
I'm also wary about using my credit card with anything Google since the last time I did (buying a Tinder Gold subscription), my card got jacked.