Message from @mattforney

Discord ID: 457511226134495232

2018-06-14 04:16:16 UTC  

Today I learned that Huffington Post has little buttons at the bottom of articles where you can suggest corrections.

2018-06-14 14:52:16 UTC  

looks like the CSU finally found their balls

2018-06-14 14:52:33 UTC  

" Merkel’s weekend decision to veto a plan by her interior minister aimed at controlling and reducing illegal migration, and the minister’s refusal to back down, has already shattered an uneasy truce between conservative backers and opponents of her liberal asylum policy, just months after a tenuous coalition government was formed."

2018-06-15 13:12:48 UTC  

the Guardian is now referring to Matteo Salvini as a "strongman" even though a) he's not prime minister and b) he helms a coalition consisting of parties that won a majority of the vote in the last election

2018-06-15 15:19:03 UTC  

if there are any fans of Phil Hendrie here, you might enjoy how he's devolved into an alcoholic loon who rants about Trump 24/7

2018-06-15 15:23:12 UTC  

Do the left and cuckservatives not understand that by opposing Trump, whom is pretty moderate, they are going to get what they fear?

2018-06-15 15:23:52 UTC  

I'm all for deporting Hendrie back to Canada. In a slingshot.

2018-06-15 15:30:28 UTC  

If they keep this up, the best case scenario is Trump becomes a Republican echo of FDR, at worst, they lay the groundwork for a much harder right

2018-06-15 18:28:08 UTC  

i once had ben sasse send his minions after me for calling him a "queer woodchuck"

2018-06-15 19:03:15 UTC  

And this is the woman with the allegations against Hardwick, folks.

2018-06-15 21:13:57 UTC  


2018-06-15 21:14:01 UTC

2018-06-15 21:14:35 UTC  

2018-06-15 21:30:10 UTC  

Mighty Morphin Deadpool Rangers

2018-06-16 01:12:48 UTC  

2018-06-16 11:45:45 UTC  

whoever runs the Arktos Twitter account is gay, because they just re-Tweeted this

2018-06-16 11:46:16 UTC  

they're mad that Ukrainian nationalists are running around beating up gays at pride parades and feminists

2018-06-16 11:47:55 UTC  

I guess the Ukrainian Nationals are yet another Neocon sponsored group that has left the script the State Department had written for them.

2018-06-16 11:48:27 UTC  

anyone who would complain about Ukrainian nationalism is queer, these guys are awesome

2018-06-16 11:48:32 UTC  

Like the Taliban

2018-06-16 11:48:36 UTC  

they also blew up a Roma camp

2018-06-16 11:49:11 UTC  

When the Taliban started destroying the Opium Crop, things changed.

2018-06-16 11:49:33 UTC  

the Duginists keep claiming that Ukraine isn't a "real" country yet Ukrainians are doing more to ensure their country survives than most other European countries

2018-06-16 11:50:13 UTC  

in Moscow, Putin's police protect gay pride parades: in Kiev, gay pride homos get the shit kicked out of them on the streets

2018-06-16 11:50:21 UTC  

It is a good sign that they are breaking free from the "Soros" Conditioning.

2018-06-16 12:56:38 UTC  

>implying they were ever conditioned

2018-06-16 15:15:08 UTC  

”There is no slippery slope, because it's a logical fallacy. Stop being a bigot!”

2018-06-16 15:15:59 UTC  


2018-06-17 18:31:32 UTC  

Слава Averee Patton! Героям слава!

2018-06-18 01:17:15 UTC  


2018-06-18 01:17:49 UTC  

Sargon: always behind the curve

2018-06-18 01:18:39 UTC  

Who's that furry?

2018-06-18 01:18:49 UTC  

What be the deals?