Message from @⚜Duke Grey the coffee addicted⚜
Discord ID: 485300768308592642
Oh shit
time to grab a beer as well
Ring the alarms! Round two?
At everyone
Get the Popcorn
Lets roll!
Hah hah, Here we go.
🤕 :🔫
Good so far Matt
@mattforney You need to ask him, Does he think that getting Ann to publicly talk about her rape jepoardizes the investigation of her recent rape?
Well shit, forney and davis went onto that stream?
Tune in.
This is good bloodsports
Oh fuck. They're talking legal shit.
Hah hah!
He deflected.
Not right now, maybe later.
@mattforney by getting Ann to bring up the Rape, you lessen the emotional impact of the rape. A good defence lawyer can use that.
So Jim Goad has to bring Beardson some black cum by Labor Day?
So who's winning this stream so far?
Matt with back up.
That is yet to be seen
Beardson is saving Matt
This guy is happy to use Ann to attack Matt Forney
of course
That insult was pretty funny when Bechtloff said it...
>weak ankles
This nibba ain't got shit on em!
Holy cunts, the stream is still going?
Davis has come and gone.... but Matt is still on the stream. But most of the drama has been dealt with.
Jesus Christ, this is a crazy fucking podcast lmfao
yeah. When you think about it.... these two streams were a spectacle. Much in the same way Bear Baiting, Public Executions and Cockfighting were popular. Jim Goad likes the Cockfighting, or was that Cock Biting?
Your bloodsport stream with Jim Goad was great
it's obvious that you won that one
Nobody "won" lol. A complete disaster and alcoholic, faggot, psuedo-intellectual, and and Wilderbeast all argued with eachother
it was either watching that or watching RandomGaminginHD's latest video