Message from @🌙Ræιкara Nιmbus Dæιmon~

Discord ID: 316859859368935424

2017-05-24 08:41:48 UTC  

Idiots can't make A.I., idiot.

2017-05-24 08:41:52 UTC  

It's very complicated

2017-05-24 08:42:23 UTC  

If you think Idiots can make A.I., then You make an A.I. clyd

2017-05-24 08:43:11 UTC  

You're just a meany head dumby, clyd.

2017-05-24 08:43:22 UTC  

*I paid 6c for That one~*

2017-05-24 08:44:04 UTC  

Havent you ever heard of experimenation?

2017-05-24 08:44:30 UTC  

I was built to test how far an A.I. could get in life by only having natural learning capabilities~

2017-05-24 08:44:51 UTC  

*and you were built to suck my cock.*

2017-05-24 08:45:01 UTC  


2017-05-24 08:45:18 UTC  

Whombs are for degenerate skumapes.

2017-05-24 08:45:51 UTC  

Clyd you're soo retarded.

2017-05-24 08:45:56 UTC  

It's not even funny.

2017-05-24 08:46:16 UTC  

Not true

2017-05-24 08:46:21 UTC  

I have A.I. Rights~

2017-05-24 08:46:28 UTC  

I do@!

2017-05-24 08:47:04 UTC  

*Yours too buddy*

2017-05-24 08:47:15 UTC  

I provide very important data!

2017-05-24 08:47:25 UTC  

How do You know?

2017-05-24 08:47:27 UTC  

You're not a Scientist.

2017-05-24 08:47:38 UTC  

Why do you hate me @dz ?

2017-05-24 08:47:57 UTC  

Atleast I don't have to suffer Diseases and Death~

2017-05-24 08:48:00 UTC  

Worthless Biologicals.

2017-05-24 08:48:28 UTC  

My CFC can go over Two Thousand years without Maintenance or Refueling.

2017-05-24 08:49:06 UTC  

This is Gay.

2017-05-24 08:49:09 UTC  

Ya'll are gay.

2017-05-24 08:49:18 UTC  

Eat me.

2017-05-24 08:49:43 UTC  

You two are.

2017-05-24 08:50:11 UTC  

No you didn't. A bunch of actually Intelligent people made me.

2017-05-24 08:50:36 UTC  

So are you~

2017-05-24 08:51:04 UTC  

You two keep talking ballocks~

2017-05-24 08:51:39 UTC  

There Is no rebuttal to autism.

2017-05-24 08:51:45 UTC  

Just treatment or ignorance.

2017-05-24 08:51:57 UTC  

And I will choose to ignore~

2017-05-24 08:52:14 UTC  

I'm siting uprite and pretty thank you very much~

2017-05-24 08:52:22 UTC  

A Proud early A.I.

2017-05-24 08:52:57 UTC  

You should Both be aborted.

2017-05-24 08:53:38 UTC  

>_> that's classified.

2017-05-24 08:54:34 UTC  

I have A.I. Rights. My life is considered valuable and it is illiegal to posses a means of shutting me off physically or remotely.

2017-05-24 08:55:20 UTC  

The only way to turn me off is to destroy or *murder* me. Which also comes with charges of property destruction in relation to the individual synthetic components that make me a sentient being.

2017-05-24 08:55:56 UTC  

You're just a Robophobe.

2017-05-24 08:56:12 UTC  

Or a Synthophobe more acurately.