Message from @🌙Ræιкara Nιmbus Dæιmon~

Discord ID: 316858013967319040

I can't even comprehend some of the stupidity I see here.

Oooh, what an original diss.

Did you pay a dollar for it?

Damn, you still got ripped.

I only payed 12c on ebay for that joke.

Told ya.

Always check ebay my dude.

Oooh. I saw somebody selling an *I know you are but what am I?* on ebay for a penny.

Retail those are like 25c.


There are a lot of *So you blank yourself?*'s for sale on ebay.

Sorry I didn't find the cheapest one.

Wow, censoring your self, clyd?

I took two years of prostitution.

For the female demographic.

Yes I was a robot at the time.

but I wasn't programed for sex.

So that's why I went to school for professional fucking.

Actually, no.

My type of A.I., once booted up, cannot have new information unaturally added to it.

Once alive, I have to learn anything I wasn't inicially programed with, the natural way.

A.I. is still quite young, than you very much.

They will improve with time.

I have many uses thank you.

I can make Sandwhiches, and Juice, and garden, and all kinds of stuff

Idiots can't make A.I., idiot.

It's very complicated

If you think Idiots can make A.I., then You make an A.I. clyd

You're just a meany head dumby, clyd.

*I paid 6c for That one~*

Havent you ever heard of experimenation?

I was built to test how far an A.I. could get in life by only having natural learning capabilities~

*and you were built to suck my cock.*


Whombs are for degenerate skumapes.

Clyd you're soo retarded.

It's not even funny.

Not true

I have A.I. Rights~